Chapter Twenty Five: Lets go somewhere more quiet

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Adam's POV

I sat against the broken wall my heart racing. I had been on the way to work when I spotted them.

Jim and Arrow. Arrow looks rough. Almost tired and scared of the man with him. Every part of me wanted to save him there and then but I knew better.

"Adam," said Arrow's dad as he arrived in front of me with four other officers.

"Great your here. They went into that building. As far as I'm aware it was just Jim and Arrow but I don't know who maybe inside," I inform him.

"I've got more back up on the way," he says looking around taking in the sourrunding area.

"He looks rough and tired. I don't know exactly what is going on. He could of tried to run," I begin.

"We don't know what Jim has told him and threatening him with. So he may just be trying to protect us. Knowing Jim he has said he would hurt us if he did. My poor son....I've been useless to him," he whispers looking sad.

"We can save him. We will!"

"You found him," said Colin arriving in front of us now.

"Colin you shouldn't be here. It could be dangerous," I begin.

"It always is but he is my husband I let Jim take him. I need him to know I love him and how sorry I am."

"We all are. But we have to go about this the right way so here's my plan," says Arrow's dad. We all look at him ready to listen.

Arrow's POV

I grab the knife in the man's hand in front of me twisting and he let's go the knife coming into my grasp.

"Interesting. Your nephew you say. He isn't the little kid I once knew then. I'm impressed. But I've been waiting months. What has taken you so long!" He shouts at my uncle.

"Police, prison among other things. You know me my old friend and the trouble I find," he smirks.

They embrace each other while I have the knife still in my hand. Every part of me wants to run but...I'm scared.

"I suppose I forgive you then. Now about this job I've had in the works you aren't going to let me down again are?" He asks taking a quick glance at me in the process.

We are currently standing in a small isolated area in this building my uncle brought me too. It seems to be some sort of underground bunker type of feel yet to get down here you need a pass.

Top secret hide out...maybe. Either way I already don't like this man.

"I'm in. And my main guy for the job is Arrow here," he said putting his hand on my shoulder making me shudder.

I give him a spiteful look which his so called friend catches.

"He don't seem to like you," his friend says.

"Let's just say we don't always get on," he begins which makes me laugh slightly.

The man looks at me before my uncle. "I see. Well I'm not fond of someone who don't want to be here."

"He will do as he is told," he said as my uncle snatches the knife from my hand and slaps me so hard across the face I step back slightly at the force of it.

I glare at him. After everything this man will never ever treat me right. He will never ever get any respect from me.

"Question. That ring on his hand," he begins.

"What about it," my uncle barks back.

"He is married. Yet here with you why?" He asks curiously.

"He will go back to his man once he has helped me."

I look at my uncle unsure what he meant by his words yet didn't seem to mind the fact that he is telling him I'm with a man.

"A man? Your nephew is Gay?"

"So what if I am," I bite this time.

He looked at me curiously. "Didn't tell me that did you."

"I didn't tell you because I know what you are like," my uncle begins but the man is on my uncle snatching the knife and attacking him to the ground.

I watch in shock at what is happening. My uncle and his so called friend fight for the knife catching each other as they do. I quickly grab the pass hanging out of the man's pocket why they are paying no attention to me.

This is my only chance. I got to go now.

I run toward the door panic already gripping me. I reach the door and swipe the card.

It makes the usual noise of accepting the pass making me panic even more.

I'm through the door heading towards the stairs just as something is forced into my shoulder from behind. I lose my footing falling to the ground pain irupting from my shoulder.

The knife is pulled out my uncles friend standing over me. "Hello Arrow. Leaving so soon," he said softly to me.

I look up at him. "Leave me alone," I retort back.

He shook his head. "Want to know why your uncle didn't want to tell me your Gay?"

I shake my head. I don't want to know.

"I'm Gay too you see but with my line of work I don't get much fun," he smirks in my direction. Fuck...this guy is psycho. But of course he is he is friends with my uncle...

"Well tough luck. That isn't going to be me."

"Like you have a fucking choice," he said grabbing hold of my shirt and yanking me so hard to my feet I cry out in pain which is coming from my shoulder.

I try push him off me, struggle free from him but this just pissed him off making him chuck me into the stairs head first.

Dizziness took over my head spinning. As I feared for the worst my uncle is on him pulling him away from me.

"Leave him alone!" He shouts at him.

"Like you give a shit. You beat the little shit for years," the man says angrily.

"Yeah I have but he is my nephew. You don't get to touch him definitely not in that way!"

He smirks at my uncle as I try get my vision back and find a way to use the stairs to get to my feet looking up at the door at the top. I need to make

I hiss at the pain in my shoulder knowing I'm already losing blood.

I clumber up them struggling with every step. I'm almost there...

Someone grabs me from behind and I feel myself falling backward down the stairs with the man and my uncle. We all land at the bottom in a clump.

I take deep breathes in to try steady my breathing ignore the pain I'm in while noticing the knife glimmer right beside me. I go to grab it but the man puts his hand of top of my ruthlessly.

"I don't think so," he hissed.

I kick at him with some new found strength to get out of here. He groans in pain as I manage to get from his grip and grab the knife.

"," I hear my uncle whisper who seems to be in a lot of pain and bleeding.

I thought I never hear my uncle say that my entire life. I nod to him to thank him as I get to my feet and clumber back up the stairs trying to keep myself from passing out at this point.

I make the door and pull it open to find myself in chaos. Police officers, men who I guess work for my uncles so called friend fighting it out. Guns and knifes. I step back as a bullet missed me by inches but to step into someone .

I hold the knife firm ready to defend myself but something is shoved over my head the knife taken from me as it sliced my hand. "Let's go somewhere more quiet," he whispered as I begin to struggle and scream at the top of my lungs as I'm dragged back down the stairs....

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now