XXXI. Laure | Master

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He isn't worth this.

The past is in the past.

Forget everything,

forget that year.

Pretend it never happened.

Cry now, no one can not cry,

but when you leave this room, keep your head up.

You have to stay strong.

No one will ever understand,

so bury it deep in your heart.

What matters is now,

this year,

this minute.

And if this hurts

and breaks you next year...

forget this year too.

Come on.


But everything hurts.

Smile through the pain,

pretend nothing happened.

The pain stays inside.

They're not going to understand.

Time isn't going to stop for you,
and you know that.

Even your powers can't do that.

Why am I talking to myself?

Sometimes this is the only way to get through it...

Really? Am I resorting to this?

But you're right, after all.

No one will understand,

no one will stop for you.

Even if you broke down,

all they'd care about is finishing what you have to do.

Forget it!

People are supposed to know if you're fine or not,

without asking.

Sometimes asking only makes it worse.

Why did he have to come into my life?!

Who cares if he's dead,

who cares if I killed him?

His voice, his smile...

he'll still be stuck in my mind...



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