XLVIII. Wryn | Tears and Tyranny

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All I know is
your pretty smile,
the beauty of your crystal blue eyes,
the truth in your voice as you said, "I like you."

It's been hard, it'll be hard,
but really
if we truly love each other,
what the hell is able to stop us?

I think if you smiled at me again
I'd have the strength to
slay a thousand monsters,
kill a million angels
and face the wrath of the gods,
just one look at your face
and I have all the power in the world.
You give me a true smile and it's so sweet I melt in your hands,
your gentle words tell me you'll never give up on me,
the soft looks you give me warm my cold hands.

And if the world thinks it can keep us apart and break you,
I'm going to break it first.
I'd give everything I have and don't have
if only it meant I could keep you.

So don't go,
I need you here,
I need your love.
If even you left me I think I'd go mad.
I'm giving you my heart, my life, my soul,
so please don't break me.

We've lasted seven years apart.
Why does our first meeting have to be on the battlefield?
But those eyes, they're not yours,
they're not blue, they're not clear.
That's not you.
What did he do to you?
When I get my hands on that feline,
I'm going to tear him apart.

As soon as I save you.

I thought I was over you,
after they announced your war,
but as you fall,
as you collapse into my arms once again,
you look in my eyes and I know,
I'm as deeply in love as I was back then.

So please wake up.


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