XXXIII. Let | Fury of Goodness × Agency of Power

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Let me be strong,
for the sake of those I care for.

Let me learn it all,
so that I can protect myself.

Let me be the best,
make me win every battle.

I must never falter,
never fall,
or they'll find my weaknesses.

Let them judge my looks,
not like they can compare to me.

Let them watch my actions,
I'll surprise them and before they know it,
they'll be dead.

Let them tell me I'm nothing,
out of fear,
I know better, I'm not "nothing",
I'm a bastard, wasting the oxygen.

They don't know me,
but they think they do,
they're so stupid,
dead before I am.

Let me guard my thoughts,
they'll never know my intentions.

Let me find the truth,
don't you dare lie to me.

Let me know it all,
I'll use my knowledge to break you down.

You can never predict my actions,
and I know it scares you.
Thought you were so smart,
oh but now,
look who's the wicked queen?

Do you think you can escape me?
Think you can leave
without my permission?
Thought wrong.
Too late.
Your death's on the schedule.

Let me be the master
of time and fate and knowledge,
No god can defy me.

Let me guard my secrets,
no one has to know the ugly truth.
Don't wanna scare you.

Don't you see it now?
You've met tough ones
in the past.
But you've never met someone
as broken
as me.

Ain't ever gonna understand me,
so why the effort?
Scared you can't predict me?
Sorry, I'm a loose cannon.
Oh, but you can tell that's fake.
I don't care to apologize
to the likes of you.

Let me be stronger,
'till they have to listen to me.

Let me bluff it through,
easy, too easy with these fools.

They ain't going to see my heart,
not gonna break it again.
So let me tell you
the truth.
I have no heart.

I know I'm arrogant,
know I'm a nightmare.
I knew I was different,
but I didn't care.

Now I'm a devil,
can't control me.

Ira / Astraea

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