05 | Café Morrito

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"It's invisibility" she answers shyly.

"Okay well I know that this might be lot for you to take in but," I pause "Our future is in danger" I say "We have to travel fifty years into the future and save a little girl" She asks me why and I tell her about it all.

"But why can we just travel to the past and stop that scientist from making a bot like that?" she asks shaking her head.

"We cannot change the past but the future is in our hands" I say.

"Who else is in this team?" she asks.

"Jacob, Aaron and," I pause and take a huge breath "Phoebe" I sight out the breath.

"What the- Phoebe?!" Sarah shouts out loud gaining everyone's attention in the café. "Sorry!" she sat down with her hands covering her face from embarrassment.

"I'll tell Jacob since he is my neighbor and you can tell Aaron and we'll play a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who informs Phoebe" Sarah orders. I nod my head. "Well I guess I have to go now but bye! Let's keep in touch" Sarah gets up and walks away.

I give her a smile and follow her out, going home.

50 Years Into The Future - Can She Save The World?Where stories live. Discover now