15 | Calculating . . .

6 1 1

"Calculating" Lucida says just as her eyes turn black and then glitch. "Found" green replaces all of the glitching madness. She starts to walk somewhere so we follow her blindly.

"How long does it take to walk?! My heels are killing me!" You can already guess who that was.

"Just adjust for a bit, also why did you wear heels anyway?" I ask her with a frown.

"Excuse me, but I'm the only one who wants to look good while saving the world" Phoebe argues.

"Where is that stupido?!" Phoebe gets irritated. "The bot's taking too much time, let's do it the old fashioned way," she get's on top of a fallen building.

"Phoebe that glass is going to crack!" I warn.

"STUPIDO LATEX BABY WHERE ARE YOU!" Phoebe screams at the top of her lungs.

"HEY! I'M NOT A BABY AND NOT STUPID!" a voice calls.

"Found" Lucida says.

Rose gasps and calls, "Mom! Dad! There's a robot here, get the trap!" 

I'm really confused right now, what's happening?! "Stay there honey, I'm watching you right now" a voice cracks from the radio. Before I can even prosses what was happening a young woman swings out of no where and traps Lucida. "Where are are the rest of your kind?" She asks.

"They left me here to die, they are in space. This planet will blow up" Lucida glitches. Rose's mother gasps and turns to look at us.

"What are you all doing here?" She asks "I thought everyone was dead!"

"Okay, stay calm, we are from the past and we're here to save this planet. Now does your daughter happen to have a emerald?"

50 Years Into The Future - Can She Save The World?Where stories live. Discover now