20 | Secrets

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It is a spaceship! I look up into the sky, it is big and blocks all the light from the sun. When I look ahead I find Sarah and the others running towards Todd and me.

"What happened? Did the doctor agree or did he say no? Wha is that spaceship over there?!" Sarah quickly fills me in on the details.

"What happened?" Todd comes out from one of the fallen buildings.

"Okay! We have to stop that spaceship! One of the robots are in there and they know about us, that Bot cannot tell the others that human life is here on the planet. We need to disable it but we can't get water that high" Sarah was close to tears now! Our whole plan can be ruined if this robot tells the others. "Any idea on how to disable this?" 

Todd was silent when she said that. I wonder if it has anything to do with the kiss.

"I do" Todd finally says, we all look at him with wide eyes. "I haven't been completely honest with you guys" he bites his tongue and tears start to fall out of this eyes. Suddenly it's dark and like it's about to rain and right are my senses, it does start to rain.

I rush under a fallen building now it's raining heavily! We can hear the spaceship crackling with electricity. The huge thing falls and just with our luck it falls on us and the last thing I hear are screams before I pass out. . .

50 Years Into The Future - Can She Save The World?Where stories live. Discover now