17 | All Alone

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"Where are you guys going?" I ask Rose and her mom.

"Oh nothing, just to look for things," Mrs Latex says which triggers a wink from Rose.

Then rose whispers "You'll thank me later" I'm blushing with embarrassment right now!

"I know you have a crush on Aaron" Todd tucked his hands into his pockets. 

Few! for a moment I thought that he was going to say "I know you have a crush on me!" I just got out of major embarrassment!

"I don't think you should have a crush on him" Todd looks at me "He seems to be showing affection for Phoebe, the person that you hate. Aaron's only going to hurt you" He speaks it in a way like I didn't ever cry in my room because of Aaron.

I mean I've had loads of crushes on boys before and one time I even thought I was lesbian because I started to like this girl! So basically I'm kind of the crush master. Ugh but Todd!!  But he can't get out of my brain, yes I sometimes watch him working out without a shirt but hey! I can't see him naked all the time!

"Yeah I know" I stutter out, mesmerized by his beautiful eyes. 

Now I just hope that I can control myself now . . .

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