Movie night

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*Shuichi's p.o.v*

"Uh... Kaede? What are you doing?"

"Trying to plug this in," Kaede said, trying to plug in a big grey box with wires hanging out of it. 

"What is 'this'?" I asked again. 

"It's a DVD player. I was going to ask the others if they wanted to have a movie night after I got it plugged in, but it's a lot harder than it originally seemed."

"Why don't you ask Miu for help?" I asked. 

"M-Miu?! W-Why would I ask M-Miu?!" Kaede asked, caught off guard and blushing tremendously. 

"Well, she'd know how to put it together. I guess you could ask Kirumi, but since she's always busy I recommend you don't bother her much. Especially since she'd never admit that she is busy," I said again. 

"O-Oh... I guess you're right....." She said, emberrased, but she suddenly turned back into her cheerful self again and asked, "Can you come with me Shuichi? You're really good at talking to people," she said, kinda nervous to talk to Miu by herself. 

"Yeah, sure. Besides, it's not like I have anything else to do," I said, heading towards the exit. 

*Kokichi's p.o.v*

"Oh come on Maki-Roll! Don't be so angry at me! I did nothing wrong!" 

"Liar. You're always doing something wrong, and this time you glued Kaito to a chair!" She yelled at me. I just gave her a playful smile. 

"Why do you care about that idiot anyway? You deserve better Maki-Roll!" I said, getting on her nerves on purpose. 

She then swatted at me with a book she had grabbed from nearby and I ran off, smiling and laughing. It was fun being chased around, especially if you ran out of breath. 

I ran down the hall and up the stairs. I looked behind me and realized she was a bit closer than I was comfortable with. I picked up the pace and headed out the main door, and ran all the way to the dorm rooms. I ran upstairs to mine and opened the door, then quickly shut and locked it behind me. 

Maki stood out there, mad, that she had fallen for my ultimate plan. 

She stormed off angrily, and after she was gone I sat down on my bed and picked up a folder from my bedside table. 

It looked like any other file, with the normal creame color and the little part sticking up on it, but there was one thing that wasn't on a normal file. 

A big red stamp that said "classified". 

And only I know it exists. 

Only I know what's inside. 

And only I have to deal with knowing everything. 

For some reason, Monokuma couldn't erase my memories. 

I didn't know why, but I knew that my life had been horrible. 

And that's why I acted oblivious. 

That way I didn't have to think about all the things that had happened before this dumb game and all the things everyone else had forgotten. 

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