Library day

527 5 18

(Lmao I'm trying not laugh and cry in class rn)

I was digging through books in the library out of complete boredom. There wasn't much else to do, and I decided Kirumom could use a break from everything. 

But this dust was about to cause a body to be discovered. 

I sneezed. That was the twelth sneeze since I've gotten in here. 

I've been in here for seven minutes. 

I pulled another book off the shelf. It was another Manga. I had decided a bit ago to restore this library to it's former, former glory. 

From way back when. 

And that meant cleaning off the shelves and books, organizing all of the books, and putting them in different areas. 

This manga was called XXX Holic. (That's a real manga btw, you should go read it. It's amazing)

There was a weirdly dressed lady on the front with a nerdy looking boy in glasses. 

Not interesting. 

I set it aside and pulled another off the shelf. This was book two. There were more and more of these and I assumed the entire series was here. 

The next book I pulled off the shelf was an American book. Most of the others can't read or understand English, but I can. 

I had taken a class at some point in my life. 

It was about murder, which made sense. I mean, it was Monokuma who made this library. 

Why wouldn't there be books on murder? 

This was the last shelf I had to do. I had told everyone else that I would be in the library, and that if they bothered me, they'd regret it. 

It's not like I'd do anything to Shumai, though. Wouldn't dream of it. (No but yoou'd dream of other things)

(God I need to stop)

(I had too many fries earlier) 

Nobody had come in yet, and I had clleared the shelves off as fast as I could. See, I had been in here earlier, and that's when I did most of the shelf clearing. But I decided to take a five minute break just outside the library. 

Then I came back in and started working again. 

I had a broom, a dust pan, and a duster, along with window cleaner and a rag, and two gold plaque things and something to write on them with. 

I also had nails and bolts and a screwdriver that I had stolen from Miu when she wasn't looking. 

The last shelf was cleared. Finally. Took me long enough. 

I went over to the windows. I sprayed some of the glass cleaner on them and began scrubbing. 

About half an hour later, they were all clean. They showed into the underground tunnel and into that weird game thing. They were still worth cleaning, though. 

Next I wrote on the plaque thingy and all of the little plaque thinies too. 

The big one went on the wall by the front entrance. It had all seven rules on it. The little ones had different book types written on them. 

I glued the little ones around (Did I forget to mention he had glue? Oh well. I also forgot the library doesn't have windows, but who cares?) to different parts of different shelves. 

After that, I dusted off all of the shelves. By now, It was nine at night. 

I waited until eleven when everyone would be asleep and left the library. I wandered to Miu's lab and put her stuff back. Then, I went to Angie's lab. There were some art examples in there for her to look at. 

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