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I woke up feeling nauseous. I could tell something was wrong. I heard a knock on my door, so I got up, ignoring the headache I had.

It was Kaito.

"Hey Kaito."

"Hey Sidekick. You coming?"


"Breakfast. Everyone's waiting on us, man."

"Oh, let me grab something really quickly," I said, grabbing my hat and putting it on.

"You still have that?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I just... Don't feel great right now. Don't worry," I told him, following him to the main building.

When we got there, we headed straight to the dining hall. Everyone was there except for Himiko, who had apparently had to go to the bathroom.

I asked Tsumugi is she was ok when I saw she was nervous about something. She said she was fine, and we left it at that.

I started eating my breakfast when my stomach started to hurt. My headache was worse, and I started to feel a bit dizzy.

I heard someone ask me if I was ok. I nodded and excused me.

I left and went back to my dorm room. I went and lied down in my bed.

I was covered in sweat, so I didn't pull the cover over me.

Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I felt a little bit better. I started to sit up, but I heard a voice threaten to kill me if I sat up.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

My sight cleared up, and I saw who it was that was taking care of me.

"Morning sleepyhead," he said softly and quietly.

"Kokichi?" I asked him.

He nodded with a big smile on his face.

"Hehe! You got me!"

I smiled a little and thanked him. He just continued to smile.

"Um Kokichi? How long have you been in here?" I asked him.

His smile faded and he told me he'd been in my room since I had fallen asleep about ten hours ago.

"Ten hours?!" I asked him.

"Yeah. Space idiot came by twice to make sure I hadn't poisoned you, but other than that, it's just been the two of us."

"You... Really didn't poison me, right?" I asked him, nervous.

"I'm offended! How rude! I've been here, taking care of you all day!" He remarked, acting mad.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kokichi," I said, "I didn't mean to upset you. I really am grateful."

His smile returned in an instant and he told me he'd been lying. I sighed, and closed my eyes for a second. My headache was back.

Kokichi noticed that something was wrong and he immediately asked me if I was ok. I told him I was fine, and he called me a liar.

"You aren't fine. A liar like me can detect lies easily. Now, what's wrong? If you don't tell me the truth, I'll have my evil organization kill you!"

I sighed again. "Alright, I guess. I just don't like people worrying about me. Um... I have a small headache."

I had looked down when he had me tell him, so when I looked back up at him, I was surprised. He looked to be genuinely concerned about my health.

He moved swiftly, getting medicine off a nearby shelf. He put some on a small plastic spoon and had me drink it.

"Ugh, it tastes so bad!" I exclaimed.

He frowned and put his lips on mine, forcing me quiet. When he pulled away, I was still stunned.

"Stop complaining. You don't even have the energy to get up, so you don't have the energy to complain. So don't."

"Fine." I muttered.

He smiled and climbed into the bed beside of me, pulling me into a soft hug. My head and his head were at an even level, just even enough so that he could lean forwards and cuddle into me.

"Hey, Kokichi? Why are you doing this, when you know better than anyone that you could get sick?" I asked him.

"Silly. Supreme Leaders, especially evil ones like me, don't get sick! I've got nothing to worry about!"

"But-" I tried to say, but he stopped me by putting his index finger to my lips.

After a moment, he asked me something that caught me off guard.

"Hey um... Shumai?"


"Can... I kiss you?" He asked me.

I blushed and nodded, still worried about him getting sick. He leaned his head up and kissed me.

He was blushing slightly when he pulled away. It looked like something was wrong, so I asked him if he was ok.

"Shumai, why do your lips taste like black coffee?" He asked me.

"Um... I drink a lot of coffee, and I like it when it's black." I said, embarrassed.

He nodded, and asked me if I was ever going to rest for a bit.

"I don't want to. I just slept for ten hours, after all."

He smiled again, this time burying his head into my chest and closing his eyes.

I figured when we woke up tomorrow that he'd leave and pretend none of this had happened, but even still, I was glad that I'd gotten to spend this time with him.

I knew I'd never forget it, no matter what. These memories would always be with me, so I'd never lose the true Kokichi, hidden under all of the facade that he liked to put up.

I had seen the true him today, and for that, I was grateful.

Before drifting off to sleep completely, I muttered a small thank you to him.

I didn't know if he'd heard me, and I probably never would. What I did know, however, is this:

Even the "evil" supreme leaders have hearts, you just have to get them to trust you enough to let you glimpse who they really are inside.

Author's Note:

How are you?

Man, school has had me busy!

My math grade sucks beyond repair, it's super cold, I'm tired, my aunt and cat have both recently died, my mom's still in pain from her surgery from about a month ago, and I think I'm sick.

My throat hurts 😭

Hiz63aiygsutes otydaohfyrwoj

Well, that's all for now. Goodbye!

I am the walrus (:3 っ)っ

In an octopuses🐙 garden in the shade

Word count: 1050

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