Mr. Detective, Mr. Criminal

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Kokichi's p.o.v

"Hey Kokichi, can you come here for a second?" I heard someone ask. I instantly recognized the voice as Shumai's.

I turned around and put my hands behind my head. He smiled at me, and I melted inside. His smile was so cute!

"What is it, Shumai?" I asked, walking over to him.

He stepped aside, motioning for me to enter his room.

Once I did, he quietly closed the door and locked it. When I looked at him confused, he blushed and said he didn't want any interruptions.

I instantly knew what he wanted and I lowered my hands. Smiling, I jumped on his bed and turned to face him. He walked over and leaned down and kissed me.

I remembered a few days ago I had been teasing him. Miu had teased him about being a virgin and he had been pretty embarrassed, so to save him I had said, "Not for long he isn't."

She had laughed and told Shumai to go "get some ass". He had covered his face with his hands to try and hide his deep blush of embarrassment, but it had failed. His face was glowing red so much that we could see it through his arms.

I guess he'd finally decided to let loose and be a teenager.

I layed back and kicked off my shoes. He asked me if I was sure I was okay with this. I nodded, smiled happily, and started unbuttoning his over shirt.

Underneath, he had a white muscle shirt on. It looked good on him. I was surprised to see he actually had a few muscles.

Me being honest, he was hot in that shirt.

He took off my scarf and set it aside gently. Since he was looking away, I took a second to really admire him.

He looked back at me and froze. "Why are you looking at me like that Kokichi?" He asked nervously.

"I'm just admiring how cute you are, Shumai," I said.

He blushed a bit, but he reached down and kissed me again. I closed my eyes during it, and when I opened them again, I saw that he was smiling down at me mischievously. I smiled back at him and pulled off his muscle shirt.

And you can imagine the rest.


I woke up. Looking around, I saw I was still in Shumai's room. I was laying on something really comfortable, but it didn't feel like a bed. When I looked, I knew why instantly.

It didn't feel like a bed because it wasn't a bed, it was a Shumai.

I tried to move, but he was holding me close. I decided to just lay there until he woke up.

It's not like I minded, I mean he was really comfy, but it felt weird laying on someone.

But then again it was Shumai, and I didn't think he'd mind.

But what had happened last night?

I had just woken up so my brain wasn't fully functioning yet, so I didn't remember.

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