2:40 A.M

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I woke up. It was 2:40 A.M. I sat up, groaning quietly in annoyance. What was I to do now? 

I sat there for a minute, thinking about what I could do to make myself tired enough to go back to sleep. 

I decided to go for a walk. 

It wasn't weird that the stars didn't look much like real stars, but it still bothered me. I wished I could just look up at the real night sky and see the same moon that everyone else in the world was looking at, maybe even my family. 

My family? 

Was I even sure I had one? 

I didn't know almost anything about myself yet. 

So why did I assume I had a family? 

I remember that Kokichi once said that nobody would care if he died. But how could he be so sure? He couldn't remember his life before the killing game, right? Wasn't it impossible? Or was it just that since I didn't, I had deeemed it impossible for anyone else. 

I shook my head and focused my thoughts on something else. My mind drifted to somewhere else entirely. 

It was a classroom, but it wasn't one in the school. It was just a normal classroom. 

I was alone in there. I went to the window and looked outside. 

I was on the second floor in this school. Down below, there was a basketball court. I recognized one of the people on it. 

It was Kokichi. He was sitting in a corner on it, away from everyone else. Then I noticed Maki sitting on a nearby bench, looking worried. She was staring at Kokichi, until she looked around and up at me. Upon seeing me, she glared. 

Had I done something wrong?

The classroom door opened up behind me. I turned around and saw someone I recognized. 

"Oh hey Saihara. What are you doing up here? You don't have this class," Ranatro said. 

"I.... I don't know, honestly. I figured I'd come up here and spend some time alone," I said. 

I didn't know why though. They had come out on their own. I didn't understand what was going on at all. 

"Ah I see. But are you sure it has nothing to do with what Maki told Kokichi earlier about you?" He asked, smirking. 

My body moved on it's own and lunged towards him. He dodged and put up his hands as if surrendering, saying, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Calm down."

"Don't say something like that again, or else," I said coldly. I scared myself more than an angry Maki scared me, and I could feel myself glaring. 

But Rantaro just stood there. He had dropped his hands, but he was still smiling at me. His smile had changed, however. It was now a creepy smile, accompanied by dull green spirals staring into my soul. 

"Y'know, I can find out if he likes you. It will cost you, however."

On the inside, I was frozen. Rantaro hadn't ever been this scary, right? Right?! I was panicking. I didn't understand anything that was happening. 

I felt myself smile a creepy smile just like Rantaro's, but more yandere-ish. 

"What's the price?" I felt myself ask. 

I snapped out of it as someone started shaking me. Hard. 

I blinked and looked over to see that it was Kaito. He was yelling in my face, and he hadn't noticed that I had been snapped out of my trance. 

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