chapter wan

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It had been a long day today, you were absolutely exhausted and worn out.You were walking home from work since you didn't have a car yet and your room mate was studying.It was getting dark, and you hated walking in the dark because of how scary it is.You tried to calm down as you continued walking down the path to your home.As you were walking, you head a branch break in the distance.You immediately turn around frightened."W-Whos there!" You asked trying to act tough.Of course, you get no response.After you finally calmed down, you kept walking, but all of a sudden you felt a huge metal bat hit your head behind you, and pass out.

Opening your eyes slowly, you notice that your in a basement, tied up to a chair and mouth shut with tape.You tried to scream for help but it all went to "mmm!", It was hopeless.As you began to hear footsteps coming down, you started panicking."What is happening?!?" you thought."Oh, you're finally awake huh." A phone looking up at you, with his emo bangs on his right eye.You were filled with confusion."You're probably very confused on what a phone is doing here, talking and walking all of a sudden."The emo phone said."Mmm! MMMM!" You tried to shout at him but he just began to laugh."Please don't shout, honey bear.It'll all be over soon." He said with a sinister smile.You couldn't do anything, so you just sat there in silence not making a peep.He grabbed a needle and sticked it in your shoulder, and then you drifted off to sleep.

A few hours pass.

You wake up with a huge pain on your neck, not knowing what it is.As you began to scan the room you were in, you noticed that you were tied to a bed.You then saw the emo phone.He was doing something but you couldn't tell what it was.He then turned back to make eye contact with you.Your spine shivers with fear.He puts a smile on his face, and walks up to you.He got on you, and started kissing you.You tried to pull away but failed to do so, so you just melted in the kiss.He pulled away to catch some breath, you did too.Then, it happened.It was a weird night for you, but you realized how dreamy he was so you just played along with it.Now you have 3 kids named Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

                                                                                   The End Of  Chapter Wan.                                                                            


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