chapter two uwu

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This book is SATIRE. Do not take this seriously please😭 And also if this blows up ill probably make stories that arent satire anymore (PROBABLY.) anyways continuing on the story

(also stfu about the instagram typo)

As you we're cooking breakfast for your lovely children, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram,

Facebook came up to you complaining about how Instagram stole his toy he was playing with.You just sigh and chuckle."I'll talk to your sister later about the toy, okay?" You said."Okay, Thanks Mom."Facebook said, walking away.

Facebook P.O.V.

"I just don't get why Instagram is always mean to me.."You thought as you were walking away from Mom.When you finally reached your room, you were greeted by a raging Instagram."Well, well! If it isn't the fuckin' snitch!"Your sister said angrily."Leave me alone Instagram."You said pissed off, but after saying that you immediately regretted it.She kicked you in your stomach and you fell down in pain."That's what you get for being a snitch you little rat!"She said slapping your face before leaving.You were in tears and you couldn't stand up, you couldn't even call for help until your little sister, Snapchat came in.She immediately rushed over to you and help you get up."We'll tell Mom about this, 'kay?" She said looking at me with a frown."Okay."You said.

Instagram P.O.V.

"I finally gave that rat what he deserved."You thought in bed while having a sinister smile on your face.Before you could even get lost in your thoughts, Mom yelled your name in the living room."Instagram!! Get down here right this instant young lady!"You could tell she was furious, so you didn't risk it and headed down the stairs."This rat better have not snitched on me." You thought angrily.After you went down the stairs to the living room, your mother immediately got up from the couch and slapped you right across the face.Hard.You almost even cried.

lol yes i will leave you all waiting for another part its almost my bedtime so ill upload tmrrw,also sorry if this is short.


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