1- The boss's office

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Harry was crushing over Louis Tomlinson. He saw him in the office, he was shocked that out of all guys he has a crush on his boss's son. Yes, Harry worked for Louis' dad. He hated his job but the pay was good. But when he got to see the rich hot boy on his first Wednesday, he felt blissful, even though he shouldn't as there is no chance he would even talk to him. The lad had eyes that were blue like the sky, his cheekbones sharp, which harry could stroke for the rest of his life. And his lips were thin and pink and Harry had to fight the urge to crash his lips on the pink ones. But when harry saw his ass, this close, through the pants, which stick to his big ass and stretched a bit, he couldn't help but lick his lips. He couldn't see these small details from far away but now he was mesmerized.

Louis was the boss's son and was forced to visit his dad's office every Wednesday and the club as told before. But then one day he saw the cute sexy boy in the office and he could look at his close details, he was a lad his age but his eyes were a shade of bright green in which Louis could stare the whole day. He had broad shoulders and curly hair which barely brushed his shoulder. He wanted to run his hands through the curls, tug on them. He has the most perfect jawline that one could have in a million years. He has the sexiest lips that Lou can kiss forever. Harry is usually intense self but straight, or so he thinks. Since then he went every Wednesday to his dad's office happily and found the boy in the same position with his eyes down, discreetly trying to look at him and his cheeks pink, he didn't mind that as people tend to be nervous around him. He also started going to the club more often to have a glimpse of him.

Harry also excitedly waited for Saturdays, Fridays, and Wednesdays. And saw the gut every time trying to look at him.

One of the Saturdays (Harry POV)

Harry was sitting while Zayn was working, waiting for 'TRHB'. He kept looking in the direction unsure when he would come as by this time he was usually here. When suddenly he hear Zayn says "Oi You like that VIP guy don't you?" Harry looks at zayn "huh? Noooo I don't like him." "Harry you didn't like to come here but since you saw him, you come twice every week, and besides I know when you are lying," Zayn says while filling a glass of rum for harry "okay yeah maybe I do like him a little bit but he's straight" "did he tell u that?" "no but then why would he come to a Girls' strip club?" harry says frowning a little as the boy still didn't show up. Zayn gives him the glass and whispers "the same reason as yours". Harry nods and looks in the direction, the boy still didn't come. " Even if he's gay there's no chance he would date me....he's my boss's son.....Louis Tomlinson"     "What!?"  Harry nods while standing up about to go "I saw him in the office"   "Out of all boys Haz you chose your boss's son" zayn giggles. Harry "well I cannot date him but at least I can see him"    "u might have a chance with him because whenever I see him he's looking at you Not the girls"    "eh I dunno"  He was about to head to the door when he saw him enter. He smiled with his dimples showing and got back to his place and zayn laughed. He had to go home because guess what he is not as rich as Louis' dad and has a job which he has to do as he has to pay for himself.

One of the Saturdays(Louis POV)

Louis was late to the club. He was stressing as he thought that 'TCSB' would go away. He kept telling the driver to drive faster. When he reached he saw the boy was about to go and he wanted to shout and beg him to stay as he could never get tired of him. But then he saw that the boy saw him and sat back on his stool, he gave a beaming smile. He walked to the VIP area and ordered drinks and gave glances just like other days but the boy went early and he frowned when he saw him go. He just finished his drinks and also went, waiting for Wednesday when he'll be able to see him again.

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