3- I like him

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Eleanor smiled at him "Thanks! It's Versace". Louis nods and drives to the restaurant.

Louis and Eleanor talked to each other while having their food and Louis forgot about harry for the time being. Louis paid the bill in cash and thought that she would also chip in but she didn't so he paid the whole bill and they went back. Louis dropped Eleanor and went to his house. Once he reached home, he messaged Liam 

"Li she is damn hot and yeah she has changed a little" he sends him the picture they took on the date.

"Oooh! ....So that means you'll go out with her?"


"What abt Harry?"

"I don't know..."

"You don't know who you like or you don't know about Harry?"

"I like both but with Harry, I feel like he's here because of the money, and Eleanor, she's quite rich so I don't think she'll be here for money .....she was wearing Versace...."

"I don't know mate but I don't think Harry is because of the money"

"Hmm...Wanna sleepover today?"

"Okay I'll be there by 7"

"Okay bye"


Louis sighs and changes his clothes.

Harry couldn't focus on the work. He was nervous, he thought that what if Louis liked that girl after she is no doubt beautiful. He messages zayn "Hey Z"

"Hi haz, what happened? Don't u have to work?"

"Yeah but... Louis had a date with Eleanor Calder..."

"I know harry"

"What if he likes her? She's rich like him and has all the charms and all :( and I have nothing"

"Harry relax okay. If the guy really likes you he'll message you and like you the way you are, if he doesn't he isn't the right one ...and remember you can't meet him so let him go harry. It'll be better for you"

"I think you are right ....I'll leave him but if he didn't like her I can meet him right?"

"We will talk about it, Wanna meet today? Hot chocolate at your fav cafe?"


"okay be there 6, now focus on your work and stop thinking about him"

Harry was about to close his phone when he saw Louis and Eleanor in the news section. He opened it and read the article heading.

"Eleanor Calder, the famous model was seen with the son of Mark Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson"

He scrolled down to an image where they were holding hands and frowns. He whispers to himself "News does spread fast" closes the phone and tries to focus on the work. He thinks of messaging Louis but then leaves the idea as he doesn't wanna sound clingy.

Louis received a call from his dad and he doesn't know whether he should pick up or not. He finally decides no to pick up. He decides to message Harry


Harry quickly opened it after seeing that it was from Louis.

"hi. Done with the date? She dressed well"

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