4- Drive

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Louis opens his eyes and he was laying on his bed, he looked around for Harry but he wasn't there. He removed the duvet and he had his boxers on. He was dreaming!! He held his head in his hands and whispers to himself "What the fuck is wrong with me! Out of all things I dream about that. Ugh!!" He again hears his dad shout and he shouts back "Yeah dad, be there in a second".

Louis talks with his dad about some work and apparently, he wants Louis to come daily from now on as he will take care of the other office while Louis will take care of this one. Louis was happy about that? Or should he be sad? That from now on he'll see the guy he's dreaming about fucking every day but still can't do anything about and just like everything is normal. Louis suddenly remembers that he was supposed to have a Liam yesterday night but he was way too lost in his thoughts. He calls Liam and asks him why didn't he come and whether he was okay?

Liam replied "Yeah just had some work and my phone was dead so couldn't message you. Sorry Lou"

"It's okay Li. I was also way too lost in my thoughts and forgot to message you"

"What happened? Eleanor and Harry?"


"You need to seek this out mate...ASAP otherwise you'll end up hurting both of them"

"I don't what to do"

"Meet them and just tell the one you like more and break up or whatever you say with another"

"okay" Louis knows the answer to that, he likes harry more clearly but Harry and he doesn't have a lot in common. Right after he does all the kiss and flirting with harry, he tells him that he likes Eleanor. There's no chance harry will ever wanna be with him again. Louis himself wouldn't wanna be with himself.

Louis goes for a shower and then goes to work. He sees harry there and Harry's face was not as It was before. His eyes were dark (not the dark but dark as in tired) and it felt like he didn't sleep. Louis blames himself for doing that. He must be the reason, harry trusted Louis, enough to kiss him in his boss's office and give him his number even though if someone gets to know about it he can lose his job. Louis knew that this job was very important to harry. And what did Louis do in return, tell him that he doesn't like him anymore? Well, not directly but you get the point.

Harry saw Louis see him and he was confused as to what he was doing here? They were about to meet today. But he doesn't say anything to him and just continues working.

Louis leaves harry with a frown on his face when he sees that Harry's busy.

*The day passes and all the employees are going*

Louis sees everyone leave, he even saw harry leave and it was 5:45, so he assumed that he will be going to the café. He finishes his work and goes there, not sure what is gonna happen.

Harry goes to the café early. He thinks about the possibilities that could happen if he tells Louis. The worst is that Louis complains about all the clinginess and harry to his father and he could get fired. The best is that they can be friends as Louis was very clear he doesn't like harry and still like an idiot harry will tell him about his feelings. Harry is not sure whether he should go with the plan or not.

Louis comes and sees harry sitting in a corner, he takes a deep breath and goes. "Hi" he sits in front of Harry. "oh Hi

They talk about casual things like why was Louis today at work and Louis tells him. Louis sees the time and it was 6:55, he didn't realize how the time passed. "Um I have to go now, I have to be somewhere at 7"    Harry looks at Louis "oh okay"  Louis nods and gets up.  Harry was still not sure about whether he should do it or not, it was his last chance and if he looses it then he might not get another one and his heart will be broken again, so he doesn't give his mind time to overthink it 

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