5- First Date

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Louis attends the meeting and goes home. One the way he texts harry the address of his restaurant.

Harry replies to him "be there by 8:10"


Harry gets in his car smiling like an idiot, he cannot believe that it's finally working out. He really liked the boy and now they were officially dating...? He looks at the address once again to make sure he remembers it right, but just then he receives a message from zayn "what happened?! he likes you?!" Harry replied quickly "Yes Z! I'm going to dinner with him right now at his personal restaurant"     "Wow H m soo happy for u. enjoy your date AND don't stay there 😏"      "Zayn it's our first date"         "oh so you'll do and come back okay. Use protection " Harry sends him the middle finger emoji and drives to the address.

Louis goes home and changes to something casual. He drives to his restaurant to find Harry looking at the scene wide-eyed and shock. Louis giggles at the sight.

Harry hears the giggle and looks at Louis a little embarrassed "hi. You like nice"

"Thanks. You also look amazing"

Louis and Harry go to a table, well there is only one table and they walk over.

Louis and Harry sat down before sharing a quick kiss. Louis started the conversation "So harry tell me about yourself. U know almost everything about me"    "yeah except who was the guy who was allowed with u in the club?"     "That is my best friend Liam. what abt u why do u always sit beside the bartender"       "he is my best friend Zayn"       "oh okay."

After a while, their food came.

Harry and Louis both begin together and harry hums when he took the first bite "Wow! It's good"

"you like it, baby?"

"mhm. Your chef is amazing" Harry says with a blush and a little bit of embarrassment as he blushed even at this small thing.

"Actually I made it my chef did the preparations" Louis blushed a little for a moment before coming back to himself

 Harry's shyness soon turned into shock and he looked at Louis wide-eyed "Wow! Louis wow"


They have their dinner and it was time for harry to go. They kissed again and said their goodbyes.

When Harry sat in the car Louis waved at him "call me when you reach home, princess"

Harry blushed at the new name "Sure" and drove off.

Louis decides to call Eleanor, he hasn't talked to her after that and wanted to make sure everything was okay.

Eleanor picked up "Hi Louis"

"Hi, Eleanor. I just wanted to make sure you are okay you know after all that"

"About that uh, my tongue might have slipped"


"I was talking to my dad and mistakenly I mentioned you and harry look great together"


"and your dad had already talked with him about an employee who was behind your money that's why is trying to date you. I'm sorry but I'm trying to seek it out"

"Oh My God!! Did he talk to my dad?"

"I think yeah and I don't know they are planning something. I'll tell you if I find anything"

"Okay" Louis cuts the call and now was stressed. He decided to call Harry but at the same time his phone started ringing and he saw the user "Dad". He picks it up and his dad asks where was he. Louis tensed up but replied "I'm at the restaurant"

"and what are you doing there?"

"uh I was here with Eleanor on a date. Why?"

"oh are you sure she's there?  her dad told me that she's with him at home"

"oh yeah she went home"

"and you are still there?"

"well I thought of staying here"

"she's been home from the last hour, and don't you dare tell me that you are there for the 1hr all alone" he shouted a little but the tone told the raging anger.

"oh- okay, I was just at the restaurant.. uh-..." Louis stuttered as his dad had never shouted at him.

"Don't you dare lie to me I know you were with Harry" his voice had calmed a little

"N-no I wasn't"

"I want you home right now and I'll take care of that boy

"but dad he wasn't here"

"My Home. Right. Now"


Harry was happily driving. The date went well and then he remembered that he forgot to give the bottle of wine to Louis. He shook his head in disappointment at himself and thought he will give it to him tomorrow in the office. He was about to reach home when he heard his phone ring, it was an unknown number, so harry ignored it. Harry parked his car in the parking lot, his parking spot was in the corner and nobody used to come there. He again heard his phone ring. He picked it up while getting out of the car.

"Hello. Who's there?"

It was a female "Stay away from Louis or suffer the consequences"

"What!? who the hell are you to tell me to stay away from him? wait..."

"okay then suffer the...." she didn't let him complete

Before she could finish harry heard a car and then a sudden headache and he then everything turned black, he lost his balance and then he passed out, loosing his consciousness.

Louis was scared he told his dad that he would reach in 15 min. He ran to his car finding Harry on his contact list.  He sits in the car and found his (harry's) number he pressed on call. Harry didn't pick up. Louis was panicked, he told the driver to drive to Mark's house. Louis continuously called harry but he didn't pick up. That did not help Louis. Soon enough tears came in Louis's eyes and he tried not to let them flow but failed. The driver asked him whether he was okay but Louis just told him I'm fine and to pull up the divider. The driver was hesitant but did what he was told to do. Louis took deep breaths and tried to calm down. 

By the time he reached his dad's home, he had calmed down a lot but still, it was not enough. And it wouldn't be enough until he hears harry's voice or sees him himself.


 Wow!! 200 reads!! I cannot believe it! Thanks a lot guys! 

~By the way, what did you guys infer from the fanart above? tell in the comments.

Sorry for the late update and the short chapter :(

And yeah if you guys see a grammatical or spelling error, just let it go in the name of larry please *puppy eyes*

Thank you once again for reading these shitty chapters :)

I love y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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