Enter the publishing process

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You've done it! You've written and polished a story that's ready for the publishing process. You must now decide which publishing approach is best for your novel, whether that's traditional publishing, self-publishing, or something in between the two models.

There are pros and cons to each publishing path you choose. Traditional publishing often offers an up-front advance and guides you through the publishing process, but it can also be frustratingly slow—from finding an agent or editor through release often takes longer than a year.

Self-publishing can be much faster. You have complete control over every aspect of the process, but that means you bear full responsibility for every aspect and incur some upfront costs for cover design and editing.

In the next 30-minute part of this guide, I cover the complete processes involved with your publishing options and step-by-step how to proceed into the publishing journey. 

Self-editing can be hard work and will test your humility. But it can also be highly rewarding as you see your story morph into an even better version. Remember one thing: you'll continue to learn and improve with every story. Your confidence and skills grow as you test your writing and analytical knowledge. You may even find yourself excited to write your next book! 

Now... read on when you're ready to publish! 

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