- eight -

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"Y/N WINS!" A lizard person yelled as I pushed my opponents arm into the table. The crowd around us cheered for me as I stood up.
Before I could say anything a pair of large pincers wrapped around me.
"IM SO PROUD OF YOU" Scorpia said.
"what did i say about the hugging" I squeezed out of her arms.
"Oh sorry about that" She said awkwardly.
"Hey have you seen Catra I wanna tell her about my win"
"I think she's interrogating the prisoner" Scorpia said. I nodded to her and began walking to the makeshift prison cell but before I could exit the room Catra stormed in.

"Hey catra!" Scorpia called out to her.
"Catra, you okay?" I said after noticing something was wrong. The crowd cheered for Catra again.

"We are going back" She said quietly. Scorpia gasped. "We are going to open a portal. And we are going to crush them all".


I hated this place. The walls of the Horde were surrounding me. I hated myself for joining them, but I was willing to do whatever was necessary.

Catra, Scorpia and I entered the leader of the Hordes area with the prisoner and 2 other people. Catra insisted holding the sword as if it was a trophy to rub it in mr Horde daddy's face.

Catra threw the prisoner onto the floor at Hordaks feet and looked innocently at the sword. The electric equipment in the lab began fizzing and zapping out of control.

She threw the sword onto the ground.
"What?" She laughed "Didn't expect to see me again?"

"Oh, you have a whip now?" A girl said, wrapping her strange purple hair around the whip. Catra grabbed it before she could take it away.
"Focus. I got what you needed" She spat. "This sword is the key to the whole planet".

The girl picked up the sword with her hair and inspected it. "I suppose it makes sense. She-Ra's sword is First Ones tech, maybe the most powerful I've ever seen." She stared at the sword, her face lighting up with excitement.
"All this time, this was the key that we needed. I guess I should figure out how it works."

Catra snapped her fingers to bring the attention to her. "I brought you everything you need to open a portal and finish the Princesses off for good. What are we waiting for?"

Hordak and the girl nodded at eachother and then walked towards the portal they had been working on and began tinkering.

Catra turned towards us and signalled that we should follow her.
"We'll leave them to do their science stuff"


Scorpia and I were standing awkwardly in the locker room. The two extras were messing around, trying on their horde jackets.

Suddenly Catra stormed in, a massive grin on her face.
"Catra" Scorpia said "Catra, there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you"
"I've had my hands full" She said as she wrapped her whip up "Any minute now, Hordaks going to open a portal and i'll be the reason the Horde defeats the Princesses"

I honestly couldn't take anymore of Catra bragging, but it was somehow making me regret joining the Horde less. She was right, thanks to her the Horde might actually win this war.
"But hey, I couldn't have done any of it without you. Thanks" She said, placing her hand on Scorpia's shoulder.
"Hey what about me?" I asked, upset I was being left out.
"You literally did nothing" Catra rolled her eyes. I pretended to stab myself in the heart and die which caused her to laugh.
"Y/n come with me" She said as she turned to leave.
"Coming kitty" I chased after her.
"Never call me that again."
I nodded and we walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Catra decided to speak.
"I'm grateful that you decided to join us" She said.
"Just admit it already" I walked ahead of her and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Admit what?"
"You love having me here"
She hissed and pushed past me.
"Oh come on are we just gonna walk in silence again now??" I caught up with her, trying to keep the conversation going.
"Sh" She said
"Dont shoosh me"
She pushed me up against the wall, with her hand covering my mouth.
"Do you hear that" She whispered. You could hear rattling in the distance, as if there was a fight going on.
Suddenly the alarms began going off.
"Why the hell did Lonnie pull the alarm" She said. Catra released me and we began heading towards the noise.

"Lonnie, why did you pull—? Shadow Weaver?" Catra and I stopped running when we got our answer. The Princesses had got in.
In front of us was a tall scary woman, a boy and my old friend glimmer.

The tall woman and glimmer linked hands. Glimmer winced in pain.
"Heh. I heard you were with the enemy, but are you actually holding hands?" Catra said.

"Glimmer" I laughed "It's been a while hasn't it? You look good"
Her eyes widened as she saw me.
"Y/n..??" She said "You joined the Horde?"
"Of course I did"
She looked so hurt after I said that.

"There's no sense in trying to fight us. You don't stand a chance" Shadow Weaver said "join us, or stand aside"
Catra smirked and took out her whip. She attempted to strike but the boy blocked it with an arrow. Catra dodged his fire and managed to strike him.

"Bow!" Glimmer gasped.
"Don't lose your focus." The two of the continued holding hands "Concentrate!".
Catra and I dashed forward towards the two of them. Glimmer began groaning in pain and the pair of them started teleporting around us.
I summoned my staff and attempted to hit them with it.

After a while of this Catra managed to latch onto Glimmer arm. However, Shadow weaved grabbed onto her whip and release an electric current towards her. I ran towards Catra and wrapped my arms around her to spread the attack to me as well.

"Catra, there's no need for us to be enemies" Shadow weaver stepped towards us as we groaned in pain. "I can help you. I can offer you a way out"

"You know, I haven't known you very long" I struggle to say. "But I really don't like you".

"You made me this way, and you get to be the good guy?" Catra said. She was lifted into the air by a dark cloudy substance. I lifted my staff up and tried to throw it at Glimmer but my attack was blocked and I was thrown backwards. And after that, everything went dark and the last thing I heard was Catra calling my name...

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