~ y/n's 𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔴𝔬 ~

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The sky was turning a dark shade of purple, large clouds shaping into skulls and terrifying creatures. It began to thunder loudly, startling the wildlife. 3 figures walked towards the Moon stone chamber, located outside the castle. They climbed the tower and formed a circle around it, and started to chant words. The stone began glowing and suddenly a bright beam shot up into the sky.

"We must be quick, Angella has probably noticed by now" Nyx yelled over the sound of the thunder. Bright moon guards began to swarm at the base of the tower, but the trio didn't stop. Black fog began to form around the guards, causing to them to cough and splutter before passing out.

Their plan seemed to be going perfectly until Queen Angella appeared on the tower with them.

"What are you doing?" She yelled. y/n  let go of her parents hands and began to attack the queen. The girl was extremely powerful for her age, but not enough to beat the queen. She was knocked unconscious by one of the queens blasts.

"NO" Nyx screamed, she stopped the spell and ran to her daughters side.

"I, Queen Angella Charge you with treason and sentence you to the wastes" The queen said, before creating a force that pushed them all the way to the wastes where they would live for the rest of their lives.

After they were gone the queen covered it up, making sure no one knew what happened that night and what happened to them. Nyx and Erebus's kingdom became overgrown and their subjects migrated to the neighbouring kingdoms. Eventually everyone forgot about them, It was as if they never existed...

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