1. Love Buzz

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Josuke POV:

I woke up to the beginning of another school week. Everything still felt so surreal to me. I had beaten Kira, with the help of my friends, a few weeks ago at this point. Yet for some reason I was overly suspicious of people or saw things that weren't actually there.

Was there something wrong with me?

"Oi Josuke! You ready to head to school?" Okuyasu called to me from outside my home.

"Yeah, just a sec." I got lost in thought a lot these days.

We started to walk to school together.

"Hold up, Okuyasu. I want to grab something from the café real quick." I just wanted some coffee to wake me up.

As we came closer to the shop, the usual sight greeted me. As usual, Rohan was there with his editor or whatever, probably handing over the next volume of his manga.

But, wait a minute, who's that with him? It was a girl I'd never seen before with beautiful e/c eyes and h/c hair. She looked excitedly at everything around her in a pure, childlike way. It was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

Maybe it was a new member of Rohan's team? But, she looked like she was my age.

Rohan caught my staring and immediately frowned and looked away, like I ruined his whole day. What a jerk. How could someone as nice looking as that girl be hanging out with Rohan?

I immediately hoped it wasn't a date and that she wasn't his girlfriend or something. The thought made me angry for some reason without even knowing the girl. But I knew she deserved the best.

I walked slowly, hoping to catch her eye. Would she notice me? Look my way? My heart pumped faster in anticipation. She's looking this way!

She looked over at me with shining eyes, and flashed me a big smile. Her smiling at me? All just for me? We've never even met before. I could look at that smile all day.

"Hey, I know you!" She said to me, breaking my trance. I wasn't expecting her to actually talk to me! A blush quickly crept onto my face.

Rohan looked rapidly from her to me, aghast. "Please tell me this is some bad joke." Rohan pleaded with her.

"Well I don't know him exactly." She said to Rohan. She turned back to me. "I saw you by the school a couple days ago. I just moved here, I guess we'll be going to school together! I'm Y/N."

She's so friendly, so sweet, and that smile! What a lovely smile. "Uh, I'm Josu--"

"No! Please Y/N, if you have any love for me, you won't hang out with him, talk to him, or even look at him!" Rohan got up in my face. "Don't you dare bring her any trouble, Josuke." He whispered to me.

I stared down at Rohan angrily. Who was he to keep her away from me? I could make her so happy if I were friends with her. Just to know her would be enough for me, as long as I could see that smile. That wonderful smile.

I looked back over at her. She's not smiling anymore. I clenched my fist. Rohan clearly made her upset with his outburst!

Okuyasu quickly walked up to me. "Hey bro, calm down." He said quietly to me. I looked back at Y/N. Okuyasu was right, I wouldn't want to make her even more upset by starting a fight.

"Come on Rohan, he doesn't seem so bad." Y/N said in a sympathetic voice. She's defending me. How sweet of her.

"Did you not see the way he clenched his fists at me, Y/N?! Don't be fooled! He's vile and he only exists to torment my soul!" Rohan proclaimed loudly.

Y/N rolled her eyes and walked up to Rohan to calm him. "Sorry, my cousin can be super dramatic." She looked apologeticly at me.

I was irritated that this sweet girl felt the need to apologize for Rohan's behavior. But at the same time I internally sighed in relief when she said the word "cousin".

Rohan groaned, exasperated. "You don't get it, Y/N. Don't say I didn't warn you! Now come on, let's go. My mood has soured." He began walking away, not waiting for Y/N's response.

"Um, I'm starting school tomorrow, so maybe I'll see you guys then. It was nice to meet you!" She said quickly before following Rohan.

Okuyasu and I continued on our way. I totally forgot about my coffee. All I could think about was her.

I frequently looked back to see her walking with Rohan, until she was completely out of view.

"What's up with you, bro?" Okuyasu asked.

I was pulled out of my thoughts. "Huh, what do you mean?"

"I've never seen you get worked up so quickly about anything,  well, except for your hair of course."

I pondered. Why did I get so worked up? For some reason, I just felt something snap when I saw her smile disappear.

"You must love her if you can get so worked up over her. I don't blame you, she's pretty hot." Okuyasu continued.

Love? Is that what this is? I guess it makes sense, I've never acted like this for anyone. I only thought about being her friend before, but Okuyasu's right. I must love her.

But also, the way she defended me, the way she looked at me, that smile. I didn't see her flash anyone else that smile. It was all just for me. So, she must love me too, right?

At school, I found it hard to focus. My thoughts kept wandering back to Y/N, her perfect face and her happy smile.

Other girls smiled at me too, all the time. Yet for some reason that I couldn't explain, none of them compared to Y/N.

During my last class I found myself fidgeting impatiently. What was wrong with me? Maybe I just needed some air.

As soon as we were released I hurried outside, not even waiting for Okuyasu, who I usually walked home with. So lost in my own head, I didn't pay attention as my feet carried me...

all the way to Rohan's house.

Noticing where I was, I looked up at the second story window expectantly. Would she be there? Was she the reason I was acting like this?

Instead of seeing Y/N's radiant face appear in the window however, Rohan appeared, looking down at me with a scowl on his face.

I quickly walked off. Rohan didn't understand. All I wanted was to see her smile, so radiant and intoxicating. It made me feel fuzzy and light, as if I were floating on a cloud, drunk off of the simple sight of her.

I went back home and did nothing but sigh dreamily at the memory of her, a smiling image burned deep into my brain.

There was always tomorrow, right?

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