9. The Fallout Pt. 1

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I heard the phone ring downstairs. I'm sure it was for me, but I was also sure Rohan would pick it up so I made no effort to move an inch from my bed to rush down and get it.

I heard the sound of the phone being picked up by Rohan. On second thought, maybe I should've rushed down to get it because I know how much Rohan hates being annoyed, especially by a bunch of kids (even though he's not that much older than the rest of us). And when Rohan gets annoyed, I'm sure I'll eventually hear---

"Y/N, the phone! Come get your friend out of my hair, she interrupted my morning coffee--"

Yup, there it was. I probably should've picked up the phone after all.

Not that I minded Rohan's rants that much, they were kinda funny in all honesty. Though he usually seemed to get even more peeved whenever he saw me smiling during them. I can't help it though. Rohan is pretty quiet and reserved at times as it is and most of the times he doesn't speak much. Not because he doesn't want to, but he's usually holed up in his study working on his manga.

It is kinda nice to hear him so talkative, even if its just a rant over something trivial like a phone call interrupting his morning routine.

I slipped sluggishly out of bed. It was probably Celine since Rohan said 'she'. It made sense, her party was today. Maybe she just wanted to remind me.

A small part of me wished that it was Richard on the other end of the line though. He'd probably say his usual 'Guten Morgen' in that German accent and ask me how I was. Somehow just the thought of that made my heart skip a beat.

I shook my head. It wasn't him calling, it was Celine. And even if it was him, no reason to get all jittery over it. I shook off that feeling of butterflies and a fluttery heart that came with an innocent crush.

"The phone, right..." I muttered, and made my way downstairs. But as I did so I found myself wiping at my cheek, as if trying to get something off, but nothing was there. Why did it feel so weird?

"Are you alright?" Rohan saw my weird movements as I came down the stairs.

"Yeah, must've just drooled on my pillow or something." I said dismissively, reaching for the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Y/N! Its party day! Just wanted to remind you. How are you by the way?" Celine sounded super excited about everything. She was quite a preppy girl when she was comfortable.

"I'm pretty good, I'm really excited to come tonight. Should I bring something?"

"Not at all, I'll have all the food and everything ready so just bring yourself!" she laughed.

I couldn't help but laugh as well. "Ok, well I'll see you tonight then."

After I hung up with her, Rohan sighed and turned to me. "Glad you cut it short with her, I can finally get back to my peaceful morning." He seemed truly irritated today. More than usual that is.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

He set his coffee down. "Oh it's nothing to do with you. Sorry for lashing out. I just have to head to the city for an important meeting with my publisher. It's inconvenient to say the least and I'm certainly not looking forward to it."

"You'll be gone? For how long?"

He shrugged. "Should only be a couple of days. I'll probably leave later today. Sorry I brought it up so late, it just slipped my mind. You should be fine though, right? I'll leave you plenty of food and money for anything you might need."

I nodded and smiled. "I can take care of myself, it should be fine."

Rohan got up from his seat and also smiled, surprising as it was. He came up and ruffled my hair like he used to when we were children. "I'll miss you, but--"

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