10. The Fallout Pt. 2

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*18+ graphic sexual content in this chapter, masturbation, sexual fantasy descriptions*

*Obviously there was already a warning at the beginning of the entire story, but I feel the need to stress again. If potentially disturbing content makes you uncomfortable (sex, stalking, obsessions, potential violence), then this story IS NOT FOR YOU. I haven't gotten any complaints on this story for its content but just thought I would reiterate, as it's never my intention to trigger anyone or have people unintentionally read content they don't want to read.

Ok enjoy :)*

Josuke POV:

I returned to my room early that Sunday morning.  I hadn't gotten sleep all night.

Where was I, you might ask??

Well at Y/N's of course! I should've never pushed her away and out of my home earlier, and after she left I spent the rest of my day locked in my room, sitting in the corner... staring at the ever growing mass of photos up on my wall, occasionally scratching myself. The scratching hurt at times, but I just couldn't help it. It's what happened now when I thought about Y/N for too long, but she wasn't near me. Just a tick, to try and calm myself down I guess, before I went around getting any other.... ideas.... fantasies I guess.

How could I do that?! What was I thinking, pushing her away like that?!

But she had almost come into my room after all. It was justified then wasn't it? We just couldn't have that. Not yet, at least.

I thought about the party Y/N said she was going to Sunday night. Something just didn't sit right with me about that. I mean, I never went to parties but I was always invited. I didn't hear a peep about this one until Y/N told me about it just earlier. 

I sighed. It was just some dumb party right? No reason to get so worked up over it. But it did mean I probably wasn't going to see her tomorrow... so might as well see her tonight right?

I waited for the sun to go down. It felt like an eternity of torture but finally it was night. As if possessed by something, I got up, no longer feeling that awful anxiety from my longing that caused me to scratch at myself. I would see my love soon after all.

A new wave of determination hit me and I was wide awake. I had been away from my diamond for too long. 

I slipped quietly out of my house and walked down the sleeping Morioh streets to Rohan's house, and with Crazy Diamond's help I made my way to the second floor, just outside Y/N's window. All of this was done as if it were second nature, but even more than that still. It was like a trance I couldn't break, that I didn't want to break, even though I knew it would utterly destroy me one day, like a sailor willingly crashing his ship against the rocks, beckoned by the sweet songs of sirens.

Y/N was that siren, her sweet song simply being her very presence, her very existence. If I had to crash my ship and the ships of a thousand others just to spend a night with her I would do it. Oh how I would do it in a heartbeat!

And speaking of heartbeats, mine grew faster by the minute, and the closer I got to Y/N, the faster it became. It was as if it threatened to burst out of my chest just to race toward her, like I took too long to get to her and it couldn't wait any longer. My face grew hot as well, and I began to sweat. 

I could feel the dampness of my hands and they started to shake a little. I tried to calm my breathing and stay as close to the wall as possible. A fall from this height wouldn't kill me but it would sure hurt, and not to mention it would wake up that bastard, Rohan. 

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