3. Picture Perfect

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Josuke POV:

"Hi Y/N! Did you miss me?! Because I missed you!" I said excitedly. My heart leapt in my chest seeing her again! Suddenly, all my troubles melted away and I felt like I was floating on a cloud. I always wanted to feel like this.

"Josuke? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked me sweetly.

"Well, I know we don't have class together until after lunch, but I thought I'd walk you to your next one. So you don't get lost!"

"Oh thanks Josuke, but you really don't need to do that. Yukako and I have the same class next so she can walk me."

"Yukako?" I looked over to see Yukako leaving the classroom, followed by some blonde kid who turned and smiled at Y/N before walking away. Y/N waved goodbye at him before turning back to me.

As much as I wanted to know who the hell he was, I had a bigger problem. Yukako is getting in my way! Why does everyone want to steal Y/N's attention away from me today?!

"But don't you want to walk with me, Y/N?" I asked, making my best disappointed face.

"Oh, sure I do, bu--"

"Great! Then let's go!" I grabbed her arm and tried to get her to follow me.

"But what about Yu--"

"Yukako's fine!" I said a little too loudly. "In fact, I think she's busy right now. Yeah, she's busy!" I locked eyes with Yukako. "Hey Yukako, I think Koichi wanted to talk to you about something, meet him at his class!"

"Oh I'll go over right away!" Yukako exclaimed, running off in the other direction.

"Guess I'll walk you to your class, Y/N!" I grinned at her.

"Yeah I guess so." she said with a small chuckle. She sounded nervous.

Why is she so nervous? Did I do something wrong? No, can't she see I just want to spend time with her? Maybe she thinks Yukako is a better friend?

"Hey Y/N, I don't think you should hang around Yukako too much. She can be mean and a little crazy honestly."

"Oh? She seemed alright to me."

"Yeah, just trust me on this ok?" I smiled at her. "Anyway, um- who was that dude in your class?"


"The one you were waving to..." I said through gritted teeth. I tried to keep myself from exploding in front of Y/N.

"Oh, his name's Richard. He seems really nice. I'm really glad I'm making some new friends, but..."

"But?" I questioned. Did something happen during class?

"Well its just that a lot of the girls in there didn't seem too happy to see me for some reason. Maybe I'm imagining it but, they didn't seem to like me very much. I don't know why though. Maybe its my hair?" Y/N's face contorted into a sad and questioning expression and I immediately felt a pang of burning rage in my chest.

How could someone take away her smile and happiness from me like that? Don't they know how much I need it? I need to do something about it so it doesn't happen again.

"Don't say things like that, Y/N! Your hair's wonderful! Everything about you is wonderful!"

"Aww thanks Josuke! That makes me feel better." she smiled sincerely.

"But if you don't mind me asking, Y/N... who was it that made you feel like that?"

"Hmm, well I don't really remember their names or anything like that. But its not that important, right? I was probably just seeing stuff-- oh here we are!" We had finally reached her class. I wish she didn't have to leave.

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