11. Dig Up Her Bones

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Josuke POV

Oh my sweet Y/N...

Did you mean to run from me? Did you know I would come? Did you not want to see me...?

Or did someone convince you to leave me, to get away from me, to love him and not me?

You're just being manipulated, diamond. Of course, when it comes down to it, you'll choose me...

What other choice would you have?

See you soon, my love.



The phone rang, but who would be calling this late? I just ignored it for now, it was probably a wrong number. I wasn't expecting a call from Rohan.

I had just gotten cleaned up from the party after waking up on Rohan's couch. An awful, awful event I won't forget for the rest of my life to be sure. But I tried to push the bad parts down and just focus on the small, yet genuinely good bits of the night. That being Celine's friendship and Richard's affection. Those outshined anything bad that happened.

Speaking of Richard, he had been nothing less than my own knight in shining armor. Carrying me back home, looking after me until I woke up, setting up snacks and tea while I cleaned up. He never overstepped any boundaries. He never asked for anything in return. He truly cared.

And of course, I always knew that he did, but something was different now. This night just opened my eyes completely to how important he was to me, and how much he truly, truly cared. Whether it was just as friends, or something more to him, I didn't know. I didn't ask, though I suppose I should've.

I simply came back downstairs after my bath, where he was waiting there on the couch. I took a sip of tea and grabbed a cookie, I proceeded to lay against him on the couch, my head on his chest.

Immediately, he stiffened, a bit in shock. "Are you sure this is alright, Y/N?" His German accent always made me smile. I've always heard people say it could be a hard and rough sounding accent, but I didn't think so as much.

However, I did feel a little guilty that I never asked him how he felt about this before I actually did something. He always asked me if he was uncertain about anything.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly sat up and got off him. "Are you not ok with it?"

"Nein, nein, I am. I was just making sure it was really fine with you."

"Well, I'm the one who started it, right?" I chuckled nervously. "Why wouldn't I be fine with it?"

"I suppose that makes sense..." his cheeks were a little red and he turned his head away, perhaps embarrassed that he had even asked, or maybe it was something else. He turned his head back toward me and locked eyes with me. Suddenly, I was staring into a deep blue ocean.

I'm not really sure what came over me in that moment, but I quickly leaned forward and kissed him. My heart fluttered wildly, and I closed my eyes. I felt his hand come up to cup my cheek and I was pulled closer. Soon I was on top of him as we continued, and in that moment I wanted to go all the way, tugging at his clothes, and he did the same.

But he quickly stopped himself, and then stopped me. Both of us were breathing a bit heavily.

"Y/N, believe me, I want nothing more than to keep going with you right now--"

"Then let's not stop." I interjected, trying to start it up with him again.

"No, Y/N." He held me back. "I don't think it's right. You've just been through a lot. You were distressed, fearful. I'm sure you have a lot of emotions you're trying to process. I can't do it with you right now, it doesn't feel right."

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