You are my sunshine

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Welcome to my Jaydick book everyone...

Dick tossed and turned under the covers, letting out quiet whimpers as his fears and memories haunted him in his nightmares.

His breaths grew ragged and uneven, and he clawed at the sheets of the bed, his whimpers growing louder as his dreams grew more intense.

Dick watched on in his dreams as his world crumbled around him, everything and everyone he loved ripped from his grasp like his parents had been. He relived some of the worst moments of his life again and again before he finally awoke...

Sobs clawed their way out of Dick's throat and he hugged his pillow tightly to his chest, hoping for some sort of comfort.

"Dickie... shhh, it's alright," Jason soothed softly, touching his boyfriend's back lightly to make sure he wouldn't flinch away before he started to rub gentle circles with the palm of his hand.

Dick sobbed even harder when he heard Jason's soothing voice, and he allowed himself to be pulled into the younger's lap, burying his head in Jason's shirt.

When Dick's sobs didn't quiet after a few minutes Jason began to hum softly, eventually starting to sing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," He sang, rocking Dick gently and running his fingers through the elder's dark tangled locks.

Dick's sobs turned to sniffles as he listened to Jason sing, and let himself relax slightly.

"You make me happy when skies are gray," Jason continued, pressing a kiss to the top of Dick's head. "You'll never know dear... how much I love you."

Dick's breaths began to even out and he let his eyes slip closed again.

"So please don't take my sunshine away," Jason finished, laying down with his sleeping acrobat in his arms. "I love you Dickie," he whispered, placing another kiss on his boyfriend's head.

"Love you too Jay..." came Dick's mumbled reply.

Jason smiled and pulled Dick closer to him and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Sunshine," he whispered, closing his eyes and drifting off with a smile on his face.

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