It's raining men

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LAVERNA20 Here's more talon Jaydick for you!

Also wishing a very happy to timdrakeisnotwhelmed

Dick was standing outside, staring up at the rainy sky.

"Grayson why are you out here?" Damian asked, approaching his brother with an umbrella in his hand.

Dick simply continued to stare at the sky, water running in rivulets down his face.

"Grayson," Damian called.

Dick's golden eyes turned towards Damian for a second. "A woman on the radio said it was raining men," he said.

Damian blinked. Dick must've heard a song on the radio and believed whatever it was saying. "You're soaking wet Grayson. We need to get you inside before you contract an illness," Damian said with a sigh.

"Talons don't get sick," Dick said, continuing his diligent watch of the sky.

Damian huffed. "Well it's obviously not raining men."

"But the lady on the radio said... and... and if they are falling then someone needs to be here to catch them so they don't get hurt," Dick trailed off for a moment. "And they said... they said you'd find the... the perfect guy." A blush colored Dick's cheeks.

"Ugh. It was just a song Grayson," Damian said, folding his arms over his chest.

Dick's shoulders sagged. "But..."

"Not everything is meant literally," Damian snapped.

Dick flinched at Damian's harsh tone.

"You're so naive."

Salty tears mixed with the rain on Dick's cheeks. "I... I just wanted to have what Bruce and Selina have... everyone else has someone... but I have no one," he mumbled.

"Tt," Damian scoffed, turning and walking inside.

Dick turned back up to the sky. Maybe Damian was wrong.

Just as Dick was about to give up and go inside, a lightning bolt cracked through the sky, the thunder echoing in a loud boom.

A startled yelp sounded from the roof, and soon someone was sliding over the edge.

Dick ran and caught them, setting them gently on the ground.

Jason was breathing hard, his heart pounding and his body shaking slightly. He'd just fallen off the roof.

"You fell from the sky?" Dick questioned, tilting his head slightly to the right.

"Well more like the roof, but I guess," Jason replied uncertainly. He blushed when he realized that Dick had just saved him from a very possible death.

"That means..." Dick blushed furiously. 'You must be the one,' he thought to himself.

"What?" Jason asked.

Dick covered his face with a hand, peeking out at Jason through a gap in his fingers.

Jason chuckled, making Dick's blush deepen.

"I... I think I like you," Dick said, clamping his eyes shut for a moment.

Jason stared at the ex talon in surprise, his mouth hanging open slightly and a light blush darkening his cheeks.

Dick opened his eyes again, looking to see what Jason's reaction had been.

Jason stared into Dick's eyes, still speechless.

"I-It's okay... you... you don't have to like me back," Dick said slightly dejectedly.

"No," Jason said, reaching out to grab Dick's arm when he walked past. "I think I might like you too."

Dick's mouth widened in a bright smile and he bounced on the balls of his feet. "You do? You like me too?" He asked excitedly.

Jason laughed softly. "Ya I do."

Dick beamed. "So what do we do now?" He asked.

Jason's gaze flicked down to Dick's lips. "Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Dick was silent for a moment. "What does kiss you mean?" He asked sheepishly.

Jason blushed. "Well... umm... It's when two people's lips touch..." he said awkwardly.

"Like when Tim drinks his coffee?" Dick asked.

"Not quite," Jason said with a choked laugh.

"Do you mean the lip hugging thing that Tim and Steph do?" Dick asked.

"Yes?" Jason said uncertainly.

"In that case yes. You may," Dick said, automatically closing his eyes when Jason pulled him closer.

Jason pressed a light kiss to Dick's lips. "Was that ok?" He asked, not wanting to overstep Dick's boundaries.

Dick let out a breath, his eyes fluttering open. "I like kiss you... could you... could you do it again?" He asked.

Jason smiled. "I'd love to."

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