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Noice another chapter

By the way... I'm accepting requests

Jason landed heavily near the ruins of what used to be the Blüdhaven police department. The cries of those who may still be trapped inside had quieted some time ago, but the people working to dig everyone out continued to work tirelessly. Anyone still buried inside was most likely dead, but they still deserved a decent burial.

According to the official count there were still two people trapped under the rubble, an officer and her young son she'd brought to work for the day.

But Jason wasn't really there to look for them, he was really there to look for Nightwing, his boyfriend.

Dick hadn't been working as a cop during the explosion. He'd been on patrol when the bomb had gone off, and of course he'd rushed off to help in any way he could.

Nobody had expected the second bomb that went off a few minutes later, trapping the black and blue vigilante under the rubble with 8 other people, 6 of which had already been found and confirmed to be dead.

Jason dug through the rubble, moving as quickly and as carefully as he could. His breath came quickly as he frantically scanned for some sign of the acrobat.

The emergency personnel worked alongside Jason for a while, but they were spread thin through the city and were soon forced to head elsewhere in the busy crime ridden city.

Jason frantically pleaded as he dug through the smoldering ruins, begging the universe to let Dick be alive. He couldn't stand to loose one of the only good things he had left.

Jason was about to give up his search when he caught a glimpse of a slight shifting in the rock.

A cry for help from deep within the rocks reached Jason's ears and he rushed over, beginning to move aside rocks and rubble. "Hold on," he shouted. "I'm coming."

There was a relieved sob from under the rubble as Jason uncovered an open pocket that had been, for the most part, shielded from the falling rubble.

"Red Hood?" A woman asked, clearly frightened.

"I'm here ma'am. I'm going to get you out," Jason reassured.

"Take my son," The woman said, lifting a little boy up to where Jason could grab him and pull him up from the hole.

"You next," Jason said, glancing around as the rubble shifted. "It's not very sturdy down there."

The woman looked up at Jason. "Nightwing... Nightwing saved me and my son. He's down here too," She said.

A wave of relief washed over Jason and he felt like he could breath again. "Is he... is he awake?" He asked.

"His eyes are open, but he doesn't seem to be fully coherent," the woman replied. "I tried to touch him and he freaked out."

Jason's brow furrowed and a pit of worry grew in his stomach. "I'm coming down," said, jumping into the hole and landing with a roll.

"He's over there, the woman said quietly, pointing to a shadowed corner where Jason could make out the shape of a person.

Jason took a deep breath. "Let's get you out first," he said.

The woman looked back over her shoulder at Dick before nodding, walking over to Jason so he could help boost her out of the hole.

"Take your son and get to somewhere safe," Jason shouted, seeing the woman nod and move away with her son.

Jason then turned and slowly approached his boyfriend.

Dick flinched violently when he saw Jason standing above him.

"Dickie... it's me Jason," Jason said, crouching down.

Dick stared forward, his body trembling. He seemed to look through Jason, seeing something or someone other than the man who was actually in front of him. There was blood dripping down the side of his face, denoting a possible concussion, and each breath brought with it a twinge of pain.

"Dickie," Jason said quietly, reaching out a hand.

"No! Don't... don't touch me!" Dick shouted as he violently flinched away from Jason's touch.

The pit in Jason's stomach grew. He had a feeling he knew what was going on... what Dick was seeing. "I'm not going to hurt you Bluebird," he said gently, grabbing onto one of Dick's hands and holding it tightly in his own. "Listen to me. You're safe now... she isn't going to hurt you again. I'm here now, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

Jason almost expected Dick to yank his hand away, but he didn't. He stared up at Jason, feeling his boyfriend's strong hand gripping his own.

After a moment Dick relaxed slightly, tears starting to gather in his eyes. "I..."

"It's ok," Jason soothed, pulling Dick into a gentle hug that he desperately needed. "It's ok. I'm here."

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