If you give an owl a protein bar...

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It's been an interesting journey, but alas that journey has come to an end and my time on Wattpad has come to a close. I've really enjoyed being able to make content that people enjoy and interact with. I'd like to thank those who read my chapters religiously. I offer up this last chapter for you. For now this is goodbye...

Of course Jason had to wander off during Bruce's super secret high profile mission... and naturally he got lost in the winding corridors of the court of owl's underground base.

Ignoring the fundamental 'wait where you are until someone finds you' rule, Jason ran through the halls looking for something familiar to help him find his own way out.

'Too bad everyone here probably wants to kill me or I could ask for some directions,' Jason thought to himself as he ran past a particularly interesting looking corridor.

Of course, Jason couldn't resist doubling back to check it out. He reasoned that it could be a way out after all...

Jason walked down the dimly lit hallway, peering into room after room filled with strange empty pods. Jason let out a disappointed sigh as he walked to the end of the hall. He turned to walk back up the hall, peering into the last room as he did so.

That was when Jason stopped in his tracks. One of these pods wasn't empty.

Jason slowly entered the room, peering into the darkness around him. There were rows upon rows of empty pods. Only one was lit from within by a soft blue glow, a small glass window fogged over with a light frost.

The eerie light illuminated the figure of what Jason assumed to be a man. He lifted an arm, using the sleeve of his jacket to wipe the frost away.

The breath caught in Jason's throat as he took in the features of the man that was trapped inside. He didn't appear to be breathing.

Jason backed up, staring at the controls for a moment before he gingerly reached forward and pressed a large green button.

Nothing happened.

Jason looked around for a moment before pressing another button.

The blue light in the pod flickered out, the front casing sliding out of the way with a hiss.

A gust of cold air smacked Jason in the face and he backed away, just then realizing that the man in the pod very well could be a talon.

A sharp intake of breath from the pod shattered the relative silence of the dark room, and two golden eyes opened, staring back at Jason.

Yep... he was screwed.

Jason backed up, startling when he ran into one of the strange pods.

The talon cocked his head at Jason, making a quiet cooing noise, stepping out of the pod and approaching Jason timidly.

Jason stood completely still as the talon came up to him, staring at him with it's big round eyes that Jason was having a hard time convincing himself were not absolutely adorable.

The talon reached up and touched a finger to Jason's mask, flinching away when Jason moved.

"Hey," Jason said, surprised when the talon seemed to shrink as if he was going to be punished.

The talon whimpered quietly, and Jason gently lifted his head with a finger.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Jason reassured.

The talon scrunched up his eyebrows not seeming to understand a word Jason said.

"Can you help me get out of here?" Jason asked, not realizing that the little talon had no idea what he was saying.

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