Jason has weird friends

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"You're his uncle?" Bruce asked the man sitting in the social worker's room along with him and Dick.

"Yes," the man said, sending a kind smile towards Dick that he made sure the social worker saw.

"If you're his uncle why didn't you come forward to claim him earlier?" Bruce asked, something about this man's story not quite lining up.

"Well, I was just recently going through some family history when I found the connection between me and Dick's father," the man said.

"What did you say your name was again?" The social worker asked.

"William Cobb," the man replied.

"Well Mr. Cobb, I do believe everything is in order for you to take Richard into your custody," the social worker said. "Mr. Wayne, we thank you for taking Richard for these few weeks. You have done a great service."

Bruce gave a halfhearted smile, feeling as if his heart was being torn in two at the prospect of loosing his young ward.

Dick whimpered as the man stood and came towards him, grabbing onto Bruce's arm and holding on as tightly as his little arms could. "Bruce please... I want to stay with you," he whimpered.

The shadow of a frown crossed Cobb's face, his features darkening to something terrifying for a split second before he was back to smiles and concerned looks.

"Richard, this man is your family. It'll be best for you to go with him rather than stay with Mr. Wayne," the social worker said.

"He's not my family!" Dick cried out, burying his face in Bruce's suit. "I've never even heard of him before. I want to stay with Bruce!"

"Richard," Cobb started. "Your parents would want you to come with me, not continue being a bother to Mr. Wayne."

Dick whimpered, looking up at Bruce with teary eyes. "Please let me stay," he begged. "I... I'll clean up my toys every day... and... and I won't bother you with my nightmares anymore."

Bruce opened his mouth to argue with the social worker and assure Dick that he could stay with him, but before he could speak he was interrupted.

"Unfortunately that isn't a decision for Mr. Wayne to make. He was only a temporary guardian, and now that actual family has stepped forward to take you in he has to hand over guardianship to Mr. Cobb," the Social worker said, looking over the top of her glasses at the frantic 8 year old.

"Ma'am, I'm perfectly willing to continue taking care of Dick. He only just got settled in with me and I don't think it would be beneficial to allow someone else to take him when he's only just started to overcome what happened," Bruce argued, determined not to give up on Dick without a fight.

"You heard the woman," Cobb said, something in his voice making Bruce shiver slightly. "I am his family. You have no real claim to his guardianship."

"Are you really so desperate to take him that you'd ignore his own wishes and wellbeing?" Bruce asked, the feeling that he should keep Dick as far away from this man as possible intensifying.

"He'll come to know me in time Mr. Wayne," Cobb hissed.

"Mr. Wayne, if you refuse to allow Richard to go with Mr. Cobb we'll be forced to call security," the social worker drawled.

Dick's lip trembled, and a few tears dripped down his cheeks, but he eventually let go of Bruce's arm. "I-I'll go with him. J-just don't hurt Bruce," Dick said, his eyes darting up to look at Cobb before dropping back down to focus on his feet.

"Good," the woman said. "Now Mr. Wayne, if you'd excuse us we just have a bit of paperwork to finalize before Mr. Cobb will be able to take Richard to his new home."

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