Life review

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Many describe their life flashing before their own eyes during a near-death experience. 

It was now proven that you don't need to almost die to see all the good things in your life flash before you in a second as you lose it all.

I could feel my eyes start to water and my body start to tremble.

The officer next to the one that first spoke walked even closer. I immediately put on my best poker face and stared at both officers unfaced.

"I'm sorry but you have the wrong person. Good night officers," I try to make an escape towards the door but was quickly stopped as the female officer pulled my arm back towards the room.

"Look sweetheart we can do this the easy way," the male officer pulled out his cuffs, "or the hard way. Your choice."

I snatch my arm back from the female officer. As I do that the sound of footsteps is heard coming from behind me. 

Bruce walks in "Lucia your dinner is getting cold," He notices the officers still in front of me and one of them with their handcuffs out. "Oh hello, officers. Is there anything we could help you with?" He said as he protectively put his arm around my shoulders.

"Yes, could we please speak to the rest of your team."

"Yes, just one moment. Friday please call the others."

"Right away Mr. Banner." Seconds after FRIDAY spoke a group of footsteps grew closer and closer.

I couldn't face them no matter how much I wanted to see their faces before I lost them all. 

The female officer immediately pulled out multiple envelopes and handed each one to all of the avengers except for Wanda, Pietro, and Loki.

"You all are being charged with harboring and aiding a runaway."

Shocked faces and voices clearly expressing their concerns. I drowned it all out as I couldn't take it all. I just wiggled my way out from under Bruce's arm and walked up to the female officer as the male officer was talking to the others.

"Can you just give me a bit to pack some of my things. Please," I whisper out to her while the 'please' could clearly be heard with a quiver in my voice.

She nodded as she went to join her partner in calming down the Avengers.

I didn't waste a second as I immediately teleported to my room. I ran all-around showing multiple things into a suitcase and backpack. Grabbing even some of the things like hoodies and shirts I had 'borrowed' from the others. I pulled on one of Lokis hoodies over my clothes that I had stolen a while back. Tears were running down my face as I tried to contain my sobs.

I grabbed the belongings I could and teleported to the roof. I needed fresh air as I felt like it was impossible to get a good amount of air into my lungs. I looked up at the sky to face the stars. 

Everything from yesterday was still up here so I sat on the sofa looking at the stars as I tried to catch my breath. Life was moving too fast and I had zero control over it. 

"The officers are waiting for you downstairs. Tony is trying to bribe them to leave."

I was startled by Lokis voice behind me. I quickly try to wipe away the tears from my face but it was no use as the tears kept flowing uncontrolibly.  

I didn't even bother to turn around and face him. Soon I could sence him right next to me.

I let out a sad chuckle, "I can't even run away from here because I would be all alone again and well we all know how that went for me last time," a sob escapes my lips but I'm soon pulled into a hug by Loki.

"I finally found my happiness and peace just for it to be ripped apart the second I feel complete," I cry into his shoulder as his hand stroked my back in a comforting manner.

"I started to believe all those years of pure pain and torment were all worth it because in the end I ended up with all of you. Hell maybe I deserve this for ever thinking I could happily be with people I love." I said in between my sobing .

Loki tightened the hug, "No one deserves this darling. Especially not you."

He pulled me a bit away from the hug but used his fingers to tilt my chin up so I was facing him. He wiped away some of my tears from my cheeks.

"I know you feel so much pain right now but I promice you we will all do our part to make the painhurt less and less for you. You have the 'earths mightiest hero's' who car for you and don't plan on giving up on you. I'm not giving up on you. You are the strongest and most amazing person who makes my punishment to be stuck in midgard feel like an endless reward."

It felt like his eyes were burning into mine. Our faces slowly inching closer and closer. Before I knew it I could taste his lips mixed with my tears. I didn't pull away. My hands grabbed the back of his neck as his pulled me closer. 

You know that feeling I always felt every single time I looked at him, anger. I always kept it locked in the back of my mind when it appeared so that I didn't act on it but that feeling of anger was repaced with lust, joy, and love....

It felt like time had slowed down. As soon as we parted to catch out breaths it felt like it had only lasted seconds.  Our eyes locked onto each other.

Loki's hands still holding our bodies close. " Darling, I know this isnt the right timing but I would never forgive myself If I never got to tell you how much you mean to me."

I felt my heart start to race even more if that was even possible. I have no idea how I haven't had a heart attack. 

His eyes searching through mine before continuing. "Lucia you are the greatest woman I've ever met...I love you."

My eyes grew wide for a bit as a look of concern washed over Loki. 

I leaned in again and placed another kiss on his lips before wispering, "I love you too," and teleporting out of his arms.

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