Store Trip

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I was halfway into my book when all of the sudden "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" rang through the whole tower.

I instantly teleported to the top floor in time to see Peter come in swinging from one of the windows in his suit while the others including Loki came in ready for a fight.

I look around to see Thor looking like a sad lost puppy with Tony next to him.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asks.

"Who stole Thor's last pop-tarts he won't shut up about them"

"Seriously Tony!? You can't just yell that out whenever you want." Cap says.

"Actually popsicle yes I can...I just did. Plus he won't stop so the culprit better come forward to deal with the consequences"

Tony stopped and looked at everyone while he paced in front of us before looking at Loki.

"Reindeer games did you steal your brothers pop-tarts?" He said eyeing Loki.

I saw Loki's mouth open to speak but before he could say anything I spoke up. "Actually It was me...sorry Thor," I say giving him a sympathetic smile. He instantly stands from his seat with a sniffle to compose himself because while he hurt for his pop-tarts he could never be mad at me.

"It is alright Lucia." Everyone looked in shook knowing that if it was any of them who had done it they would have been hit by lightning. Tony can definitely testify to that.

"Were they really your last ones?" I ask. He gives me a sad nod.

"Alright come on Thor I'll drive we can go get you as many more pop-tarts as your godly heart desires I need to get some things for dinner anyways," I say getting keys to one of Tony's many cars from the counter.

Thor perks up like a puppy who just heard a toy squeak.

"Ugh, actually we are running low on things so we will all go. Avengers to the car." Tony adds


‎Usually in car rides when we are all together we have competitions on who can make Cap turn the reddest and uncomfortable.

So far Pietro is in the lead with 'Body'

Peter would have been in the lead with 'WAP' but since everyone walked in on us the other day and Cap heard the song he couldn't use it anymore.

I so planned on nocking Pietro off of the first place with the perfect song...

The best part Is I was driving so I definitely get to pick the music...

I was in the driver's seat as the others got situated and Cap ended in shotgun.

"Alright can we for once put appropriate music please" Cap asked with pleading eyes. Hah.

I give him a stern look, " Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cakehole" I and Bucky say in sync.

I set up my phone with the cars Bluetooth and press play as I start to drive.

" hump me, f*ck me

daddy better make me choke

you'd better

hump me, f*ck me

my tummy loves a deep throat (it do)

lick lick lick lick

I want to eat your dick

but I can't f*ck with me nails

so I pick it up with chopsticks"

I look over to see Steve looking like he's about to pass out while the others in the back are just laughing. I start to lip-sync to the song as well.

"mouth wide open, mouth wide open, mouth wide open

like I was at the dentist

mouth wide open mouth wide open

put it so deep I can't speak a sentence

mouth wide open, mouth wide open, mouth wide open

like I was at the dentist

mouth wide open mouth wide open

put it so deep I can't speak a sentence

my fingers in it gen-"

Steve stopped the music. That was the first time Steve didn't make it at least through half of the song

I look through the rearview mirror to see Pietro with a mad face that I beat him. While Clint handed Nat a $50 bill and Sam handed Bucky a $20 Bill.

I had to do a double-take on Loki's face which seemed shocked and disturbed at the same time and combined with Steve's face made me break out in laughter.

"Alright fine I'll give you a break Steve I think at this point you deserve one. You can choose the music as long as it doesn't put me to sleep and make me crash this car."

He looked up at me with a hopeful look in his eyes before putting on his own music.


The store trip was chaotic, to say the least.

Clint and Nat fought over things to get but of course, Nat always won.

Bucky and Sam fought over what kind of ice cream was better while Steve kept trying to split them up.

People kept coming up to everyone but mainly Tony and Thor for photos.

Bruce was with Vision looking at the produce trying his best to stay out of the eyes of fans.

Pietro kept trying to hit on fans and get their numbers.

Wanda was looking at some of the seasonings while also trying to keep her brother in check.

Tony was trying to explain to Thor that he cant actually get all the pop-tarts his heart desires because he'd be buying the whole company.

Loki is following me confused with peter in his Spider-Man suit by his side.

I went around getting ingredients like tortillas, meat, cilantro, onion, dried chilies, etc.

Ever since I first moved in with the avengers they had taco Tuesdays...which consisted of sadly everyone ordering taco bell...

Now instead I cook tacos every Tuesday my way and boy did they seem shocked at the differences in their taco Tuesdays and my taco Tuesdays.

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