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"JO! JO, WHERE are you? I can't find my other glove!" Meg fretted, rummaging through the drawers of coats and scarfs, throwing aside things haphazardly as she searched for her missing glove. Her single glove laid on the dining table, eagerly awaiting the appearance of its partner.

"Take mine!" Jo hollered from upstairs.

"But yours are spoiled!" Meg cried, turning her face up in disdain at the thought of having to wear one of Jo's soiled gloves with her pristine one. "We're going to be late!"

"Who has the tickets?" Charlotte asked, leaning against the wall and hopping on one leg as she attempted to shove her foot into her boot. Laurie had invited Meg, Jo, and Charlotte to a night at the theatre and were due to pick them up any minute, and Charlotte had been battling with her shoes for the good part of half an hour, trying to squeeze and contort her feet to fit in the pinching boots. She grumbled as her ankle rolled for the third time, and resorted to pulling the boot on as much as it would go and stomping on the ground. "Yes!" She cheered to herself as it slipped over her heel and she quickly tied the laces.

"Got them!" Jo said, patting her pocket as she rushed down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked. She had been dancing to Beth's music in the parlor, dressed in a fairy costume from a past production, but now was watching them rush around the house with eager curiosity and growing jealously.

"You're not invited." Jo grabbed her shoes from the corner she had kicked them into, sliding past Amy as her bottom lip jutted out in a childish pout.

"You are going somewhere with Laurie, I know it!" Amy exclaimed. She crossed her arms over her chest and slammed her foot to the ground in protest, but Jo paid her no mind.

"Yes, we are, now stop bothering." Jo said, throwing her hat and scarf on the table and quickly tying her shoes.

Amy fluttered beside Meg like a moth to a flame, plastering her brightest smile and widening her pleading eyes as much as she could. "You're going to the theatre with Laurie. Meg, please, can I come?" Amy asked sweetly.

"I'm sorry, dear, but you weren't invited." Meg frowned, running her hands over her dress to free it of wrinkles.

"Charlie?" Amy whined, grabbing Charlotte's hand and squeezing it tightly. A frown now graced Amy's lips as she began to realize they weren't going to let her tag along. "Can I come with you? Please?"

Charlotte's eyes softened at Amy, and she ran her hand comfortingly along Amy's arm. "I'm sorry, Amy. Laurie and Mr. Brooke bought the tickets a while ago. Maybe all of us can go next week?"

"You can't go Amy, so don't be a baby and whine about it." Jo interrupted from the dining table, making Amy's frown turn into a sour scowl. Jo's hard eyes set on Charlotte who was now trying to tame her hair. "And don't remind me about Mr. Brooke. He has the personality of spoiled milk and I can hardly stand him tagging along."

𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞- 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now