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THE CHAVAIN WAS unlike anything Charlotte had seen before. The front of the hotel was made of limestone and marble that gleamed in the moonlight, and guests dressed in fine jewels and smooth silks lingered about the entrance, taking in the exquisite sight with breathless fascination. The exterior had been done up in the image of pure extravagance and even from the front courtyard, Charlotte could hear sweet symphonies echoing from the ballroom. 

Amelie leapt from the carriage the moment it came to a halt, looping her arms with Charlotte's and Rosalind's as they stared in amazement at the glittering candles that burned from the candelabras in the windows and the massive columns that rose into the dark sky like beams of pure gold. Even peculiar Aunt Ingrid, who usually recoiled from extravagant things, whispered her surprise quietly in Oscar's ear as they climbed the stairs and entered the party.

Inside the Chavain was even more spectacular than the outside. Decorations made of the finest velvets and silks hung from the walls with luxurious decorum, and the air was alive with charming music from an orchestra band. The pulsing and humming of each note made Charlotte's soul feel jittery with enthusiasm and anxiety alike. Parties had always brought out a strange combination of happiness and nerves for Charlotte, but it was akin to sneaking a secret sip of wine, and tonight Charlotte couldn't down the glass fast enough.

Not a moment later, Amy emerged from the crowd of graceful young ladies and dashing young men, her cheeks slightly flushed with amusement as she pulled Fred Vaughn behind her. Amy grinned and dropped Fred's hand as she reached out to wrap her arms around Charlotte. "You made it!" Amy beamed.

Charlotte chuckled into Amy's shoulder before they parted. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Charlotte's eyes met Fred Vaughn's sheepish smile as he shuffled behind Amy awkwardly. She gave him a polite nod. "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Vaughn."

Fred picked up on her smile and he chuckled, his eyes alight with humor. "It has been years hasn't it, Miss Kohler? Although I feel as if we've just spoken a week ago." He pretended to be confused as he spoke, tapping his finger along with chin and scrunching his eyebrows together with feigned bewilderment.

"Oh, stop it, both of you! I still cannot imagine how you pulled such a thing off." Amy swatted both of their arms with a charmingly teasing smile. She immediately forgave them, before settling her hand in Fred's and looked around the delightful ballroom like she was expecting someone else to join them. Charlotte didn't notice the slight twinge of disappointment in Amy's eyes when she realized whoever she was looking for hadn't shown.

Charlotte turned towards her family who lingered beside her, introducing them to Amy before they could run off to enjoy the festivities. Oscar and Ingrid stepped forward first, offering Amy a polite word and shaking her and Fred's hands before slipping away to join some of Oscar's friends. 

𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞- 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now