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"I CAN'T SWIM, Laurie." Charlotte crossed her arms over her chest anxiously as a grin graced Laurie's lips. She was getting quite annoyed with that amused gleam in his eyes as he realized why she had been refusing to join him in the rowboat for the past five minutes.

That morning, Laurie had dragged two little rowboats from the boathouse down to the edge of the river and invited them all to a picnic. The March sisters had agreed fervently and dashed around the house to gather up supplies, while Charlotte wandered apprehensively with worry gnawing at her brain as Laurie declared him and Mr. Brooke the captains— and Jo co-captain— of their little voyage.

As Charlotte twisted uncomfortably at the muddy shore of the river, Meg, Beth, and Amy had already boarded the other little boat and were enjoying ordering Mr. Brooke to row faster or spin them in slow, lazy circles underneath a patch of shade. He took their requests without complaint, eagerly declaring "Yes ma'ams," before turning the rowboat and watching Meg's face light up with glee.

In the other rowboat, Jo sat at Laurie's side wearing a large sun hat that obscured most of her face and holding a paddle, drumming her fingers along it as Laurie chuckled and Charlotte scrunched up her nose in embarrassment.

"Can't swim?" Laurie asked like it was the most curious thing he had ever heard. Charlotte wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face.

"Yes. Is that so funny?" Charlotte glared with pointed eyes.

"Didn't you say you had a pond in Maine? Didn't you ever go swimming?" Laurie leaned forward and tilted the boat as he tried to contain his chuckling from breaking out into full-blown laughter.

"It was just deep enough to stand in, alright? I apologize for not being too keen on drowning." Charlotte grumbled, taking a step away from the rowboat. Admittedly, she knew she was making bigger fuss out of this than necessary, but Laurie's laugh as she admitted she didn't want to be sucked under the murky waters where anything could be hiding, was beginning to rile her up and she felt her anger beginning to bubble to the surface. She usually tried to her best to quell her temper, especially after her father's passing when the flares of anger and resentment added extra pain to her and her mother's hearts, but this spell was proving to be quite passionate.

"Come on, Charlie! If you fall out we promise not to let you drown." Jo said finally, interrupting their bickering as she knocked the handle of the paddle against the wooden bottom of the boat. The resounding thud broke up their childish argument as they turned to her. "Will you get in the boat?"

Charlotte nervously approached the boat like it was a live animal, shuffling beside it until she was sure nothing was drag her down into the depths of the river. "Fine," she wobbled as she stepped in, clutching Jo's outstretched hand and swatting Laurie away as she flopped into a seat like a fish out of water.

𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞- 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now