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Jimin's pov

I was driving to college happy as ever because I will see my baby there. We are dating for 2 months but I didn't told my parents I will tell them on my birthday till now I want to enjoy my time with my lovely boyfriend.

I reached inside the campus where I Found him using his phone. I approached him with a wide smile.
"Hi baby" he closed his phone and pulled me towards him. I love it when he shows his love to me.

"Hi, did I made you wait too long?" I asked him at which he shooked his head in no showing his Bunny smile.

"No, you didn't, let's go or we will be late for classes" he said and both walked together toward our class. I sat on the first bench and jungkook sat with his friends . I want to hear everything taught by professor my studies weren't at right track because of my past break up which was 3 months ago. But jungkook came as healer and healed me. After some time the professor came in with. And told us that we are expecting a new transfer student. And my eyes were wide open when I saw that new student, my ex....sungmin.

3rd person pov

Sungmin was shocked to see the face but was kind of happy to meet jimin again. Introduce yourself to class the teacher said and sungmin did just telling his name and making an uninterested face. So the teacher asked him to sit with jungkook,at which he agreed and asked where this jungkook guy is and sat with him.

Sungmin's pov

I was sitting beside that jungkook guy. He was silent the whole time . If someone would else have been there that person would actually talk even for once but this is better this way I guess. The class was boring so I started looking toward jimin who was listening lectures as always attentively.
"Do you know staring is rude?" I heard a voice and finally this jungkook guy spoke.
" Maybe it is but it's not when you are staring at your ex-boyfriend or soon to be boyfriend, is it?" I replied him kind of rudely because it none of his business, but his straight emotionless face changed at my statement he was looking red and surely from anger as he was sending death glares but soon he moved his gaze away from me. And the rest of time we were silent again I started looking at jimin. Until I heard a loud groan or bunch of groans Which were from student. I was clueless why but the teacher was making a group so I guessed they are making us do group project. I wasn't happy until I came to know I was grouped with jimin and also that "weird guy"  sending me death glares and 2 other students which I don't know. As I heard that I ran toward jimin smiling. He was surprised maybe because I approached him.

"Hi jimin" I said smiling because this was awkward but and I thought maybe my smile could make it less awkward.

"Hi sungmin" he replied a little bit hesitant.

" So we are a group, tell me when we are going to start?" I asked him this instead of things which would make things bad between us.

"we have to ask others too for this, but we only have one week so I guess we should start early" He smiled for a while and I started looking around us, I can't control the happiness that he just smiled, but then I heard him saying baby. I was flying literally, but when  I looked toward him I was confused he was not looking at me. More looking at someone behind me. I looked back at the direction just to see that 'jungkook guy'.

To be continued....

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