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The book have crossed 100 votes and 2k reads. so new bonus chapter🎉🎊🤡

Jikook have graduated and started living together. It have been 5 years. Now enjoy ♥️

Jimin was preparing a presentation in his office. He was happy today, because jungkook was coming back from his business meeting in sydney. It was just one week. But too long for Jimin.

I am in our apartment
I read your message too. yess i had my lunch and took bath

"Looks like i am not only who was missing other" he thought and resumed his work to get back to his hubby.

Yess hubby this what jimin calls jungkook because he will marry him. Jungkook never stopped jimin. Because he have the same thought.

As jimin finished his work. He saved it and run towards his car. Through the way he bought favourite food of jungkook's and the most essential drink.... banana milk.

When he reached their apartment he saw his bunny sleeping on their bed. Oooh how much he have missed him he wants to hug him so tight. But he thought to change his clothes and prepare things till jungkook was sleeping.

Jimin's Pov

It was now eight in night and usually i come back home at this time. I heard jungkook's phone ringing so I barged in room not to disturb his slumber. But he was sitting wide awake on bed rubbing his eyes cutely.

"You came?" He asked in low tone.

"Yes babe and i missed you." I jumped on the bed more like on my bunny and kissed his face.

"Stop. I have just woken up let me wash my face" he tried to stop me even though he was enjoying it.

"Ok. Come out for dinner" I got up leaving him. But suddenly he grabbed my hand and push me on the bed.

"What?" I said looking in his eyes.

"I don't want to get up" he snuggled in my neck. Aahh i love this feeling.

"Are you sick?"

"Yes i am jimin-sick. I need vitamin jimin" he pouted facing me. Ughh his cheesiness

"Aww babe let's go and eat first, ok?" I tried to woo him and it surely worked. He hummed and followed me like a puppy.

We sat on dining table and enjoyed our food. Jungkook was finally out of his sleep. And started behaving hyperactive as he is always.

"Jiminie should i feed you?" He asked but after filling my mouth with noodles.

I chewed it. And soon he gave me his banana milk to drink.

"Look I am the one feeding you. You should also feed me. But i will do it myself"

And he started Kissing me. His hand were on my neck and i placed my hand on his shoulder to support each other. He lifted me up and took to me to our room.

"I missed you so much." He kept repeating it with kisses and soft touches.

"I want you jungkook"

"Aah impatient,are we?"

"Jungkook just-"

"Calm down babe I will pleasure you. Loose your body. Let me remove your clothes"

He soon started removing my clothes sensually and slowly. So i took the chance and sat on top of him.

"Now you will do as i say, daddy"

"Ooh babyboy is needy today"

"Yesss. Just fuck me jeon jungkook. I know you want this just do it. Or I will- "

"Do you have something to say " he throws the last cloth on his body but his eyes were now dark.

"Yess or i will ask some other man to do it. If you are not willing."

"Ooh you really... will do that to me knowing how much i love you....hmm?" I hissed cause he just pushed his finger in my hole without telling me, as well as kissing softly on my neck.

" Jungkook.....more plss aahh jungkook" he was smirking at my state.

"What weren't going to ask someone didn't even say sorry for hurting me"

"Jungkook plss i am sorry.... I am Really sorry.... I just want you....and only you.... no on else..... jungkook-"

"Minnie calm down i am entering you baby. I know you want me...  Just kiss me baby" he started kissing me and i felt his dick inside with full force. I was going to scream but it get muffled because of the kiss. Soon he started thrusting in wild fast pace. But he was focused on my pleasure too.

I bet no one is better than jungkook .


Author- 😘

16 jan 2022

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