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Jungkook's pov

I sat at the back seat with my friends so that I can be with them and other reason is I can look at jimin. Doesn't matter how much I look at him. I always feel I love him more everytime I look at him. I was admiring him but I heard teacher's voice. There was a new student I didn't payed any attention to him. But teacher asked him to sit beside so he did.
And I didn't care but when I look at him I saw he was staring at jimin. I was angry but I chose to not to show but I asked him. And what he said made my blood boil and but before anger could take over me. I removed my mind from him and started thinking about jimin. Jimin would have recognised me but he have not turn around to look at him or me. I was glad that he didn't. As the class finished I tried to go over him to talk but teacher interrupted and announced a group project. As the teacher left I saw that guy who said he was jimin's ex he ran like a maniac and that too toward jimin. My blood boiled again and I couldn't think anything and I walked slowly as they were talking. Finally my baby noticed me behind them I was going to smile but that guy was turning back. So I made a stoic face. And continued walking toward jimin. As I reached to him I wrapped my hand around his waist and pulled him slightly toward me. My possessive side was taking over me. I knew he was not a threat but, still I can't help it. Anyway I smiled toward jimin.

"Hi baby, you missed me?" I asked him sweetly at which he got shy and had to bend on my knees to his face.

We were cutely talking. Until we heard a cough. This piece of shit I cursed in my mind and I was sure he was the same disease who was sitting with me.

"You guys are-" he was going to ask something which I clearly know. So I cut him in between.

"Boyfriend. He is my boyfriend" I emphasized every word seriously but then composed my cool side and smirked on him. No way in hell I will do the mistake of leaving jimin. I still don't know why they broke up. But now I happy with him and he is happy with me, I guess cause he is smiling more. I just added a note in my mind to ask jimin if he is happy with me. Even though I know he will say yes. But I want to be satisfied.

"Ooh so when will we start our group project?" He asked and I was happy he realised I am his boyfriend and didn't make any issue.

"Let's do it tomorrow it's Saturday and Sunday school of off. We can finish it in two days and relax. Whatcha say?" Jimin said I agreed happily and that guy also agreed.

"So let's make it my house, I will send you my address come at 4pm,ok?" I told the new guy. He just nodded and we exchanged our number. He just left after that. I was happy that I was alone with my baby. Jimin proposed idea of studying at his house. Which I will never decline. So we left together for his house and studied. Well more than half and a quarter you know,.......we just chilled bitches. We didn't get physical till now because I didn't wanted him to think I just need him for sex but day by day I was craving for it and once jimin had asked for it but I refused politely as gentleman. After study I left for my house with a boner which I was able to hide from jimin. Yea I got it when he was sitting on my lap and talking about random things. Hard day, right?

I want to write smut and this would be my first smut I can't promise anything ( even update) but I want to try (─.─||)

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