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Jungkook was shocked by the sudden kiss. They barely kiss each other as jimin was heartbroken at first and jungkook was shy. They shared few pecks. Which was enough to set their heart on fire. But as time passed they both started craving for each other. And the lust they control earlier was burning their whole body in fire leaving them feeling hot.

Jungkook didn't wanted to miss the opportunity he quickly grabbed jimin's waist pulling it toward him. Jimin was above jungkook his hand roaming on jungkook strong shoulder and biceps while kissing him hungrily. The snacks was long forgotten jimin was jungkook's snacks or dinner.

Soon jimin take his hand inside jungkook's shirt trying to remove the cloth. Feeling impatient every second. But in a blink he was pinned by jungkook on bed. Jungkook took jimin's wrist above his head, too slowly leaving jimin whimpering.

"Calm down baby. Right now were not you the one talking about my cute anger. But I can't say the same because you are not cute right now but my whole damn hot meal." Jungkook said softly touching jimin's neck by lip. This only increased jimin's whimper. And hearing jimin's whimper and the sight under him was making jungkook lose his mind. He was driven by the lust.

He removed his shirt in a second and throwed some where, right now he doesn't care about anything except jimin.

Jimin's eyes were not leaving the sight of his boyfriend ripped torso. He licked his lips and touched one feeling current running through his body. He was so emerged in the moment to care about the bell which ringing outside the apartment. But not jungkook he just left it like that and continued what he was doing. When he felt jimin's touch on his abs he couldn't feel anything but proud jimin's eyes was showing unknown spark and his innocent face while touching him intimately only made it hard for jungkook to stop.

He soon wrapped jimin around his arm and lift so that he can remove his t-shirt too. As soon as the t-shirt was gone jungkook attacked the unmarked skin of his boyfriend creating red hickies jimin can only moan sweetly but erotically to bites given by his boyfriend. When jungkook was satisfied from his art he kissed jimin on his lips which instantly was answered by jimin with more passion. In the crazy kiss jimin didn't forget to slide his jeans & boyfriend's jeans leaving them fully naked and Jungkook only smirked on his baby's reaction. They broke the kiss and started breathing heavily staring at each others beautiful body glistening with sweat even when the air conditioner was working perfectly well.

"Do you really want this?" Jungkook asked jimin. He was sure jimin love him,no it wasn't his ego speaking but his heart. Yet he wanted to ask him this question. He needed reassurance that his lover want this as much as he want it.

"Yup!but you know I am Virgin,right?" Jimin reminded him. Yes he was in a relationship but he never had sex with him cause they were not ready of course. But most importantly jimin wasn't assured that his relationship with his ex was worth it or not. Jungkook just pecked him. Jimin wasn't not scared now. He believed in jungkook.

"I know baby,I just wanna know if you are comfortable and i will be real gentle I promise" jungkook crossed his finger and giggled. And the rest of the night they just stayed in each others arm moaning others name. And falling back to deep slumber.


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