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They all gathered at jungkook house for their project. Sungmin came a little late. While taehyung and hoseok came with jimin. They divided their work between each other as they have to make a file and a power point presentation for the project. Jungkook was drawing figures they need for project, while jimin was writing theory with jungkook on bed.

Sungmin, hoseok and Taehyung were making ppt. Taehyung with the theory. And hoseok and sungmin were finding photo, videos and some animation to display. Sungmin was the first to complete his work. After finishing  he thought to leave but saw jimin was done with his work too. So he tried to talk to him.

"Jimin, you are done, right?" He asked him.

"Yup,why?"Jimin faced him still sitting on bed but now more comfortably.

"I thought we could leave together, I will drop you at your house. What you say?" Sungmin asked hopefully he just want sometime with jimin. By jimin's behaviour he knows that jimin doesn't hate him. So now he is trying hard to get what he lost. Poor him who doesn't know if eyes could have killed people. He would have died before  asking jimin to go out with him.

"He will stay with me here. If you are done you can go or stay." Suddenly jungkook interrupted him and sungmin made a annoyed face."And one more thing I want to clear in front of everyone." Jungkook said taking everyone's intention. "Don't try to make any move on jimin, if you will persistent like this, It will be not good for you"This time Jungkook warned him. Because it was going overhand for him. Firstly, he made jimin suffered. Secondly, this guy is now trying to close with jimin. And lastly he told him that jimin will be his soon to be boyfriend, doesn't matter if he knew or not that Jungkook was his boyfriend. But after knowing he was still seeking his chance.

Everyone was stunned by jungkook's word specially jimin. He never thought his boyfriend can be scary, but beautifully of course. Sungmin was embarrassed and caught in front of jimin and his friends. So he left jungkook's house furiously. Soon hoseok and Taehyung wrap up. And now only jimin and jungkook was left in the mansion.

Jungkook was in kitchen preparing some snacks as he doesn't want jimin to leave so soon. Jimin was is thought of what happened it was rare to see Jungkook to be angry. Before they started dating he observed that Jungkook was very reserved he never once talked to him until the day jungkook found him crying on last bench when everyone was gone. That was were it all Started from.

Jimin was still in his random thoughts but soon Jungkook came inside after knocking the door. This was what he liked about jungkook. He never barges inside the room, even if it's his own damn room.

"You were on deep thoughts"He said while placing the small adjustable table on bed and the snacks he made upon it.

"Yea,I was it is rare to see you angry. It was cute" Jimin smile and reply.

"And how was it cute?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows while looking deep inside jimin's eyes which were on him. It was silence for a second.

"Because it's cute to watch your boyfriend getting jealous of your. Ex. Enough of talking why are you not having some you won't lose your abs just having some cake, will you?"

"My food is getting ready" jungkook replied and lay back on the bed. His head on pillows eyes on ceiling. Even though it's normal for someone to be in that position. But somehow jimin admired everything jungkook did

"Staring is bad babe" jungkook said eyes not leaving the ceiling.

"Really, I can't even admire my handsome boyfriend" jimin said dramatically his palm on chest.

"Well you can admire but what about me?" Jungkook said finally looking at jimin and pouting.

In jimin's heart it was a whole firework going on. That handsome sexy man was fucking pouting and that too so cutely. He couldn't believe that he really is the boyfriend if the man pouting in front of him.

"Don't pout" Jimin said coming back to sanity.

"And why shouldn't I? I want attention" and jungkook did his infamous aigoo making the fireworks causing a blast in jimin's heart. He couldn't and control himself and kissed jungkook right on his lips.

No smut this time but next time it will be hehee. My monthly tests are near and I have a pile of pending work so I will be dead again. BUT I WILL UPDATE. Thank you for being patient and reading this shit <3

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