Chapter 3

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Fuck I dont want to get up.

As much as I disagree with Tony, I have to admit, his tech is fucking dope. I slowly got out of bed, only to sit, hunched on the side and stare blankly at the floor for about ten minutes, my eyes struggled to stay open while the TV static in my head grew louder. With a groan resembling that of a beached whale, I pulled myself off the mattress and stumped over to the bathroom. 

I hated showers, that is... Until I was actually showering, then it was nice, just too much effort. I ran my fingers through my knotted hair in a feeble attempt to tame it, letting my hands run down to my sides. The burns that spiraled up my thighs and circled around my waist had always disgusted me, but as I watched the soapy water run over the textured skin, the marks almost looked pretty, until I remembered that they were on my body.

I turned off the water and rang my hair out before stepping out, after wrapping a towel around my I stared into the mirror. I hadn't been long enough to allow the mirror to fog up, just a slight mist hung in the air, feeling somewhat suffocated by the thick atmosphere, I opened the door slightly. 

After drying my hair slightly I tied it up in a tight ponytail. After staring at my reflection for a minute or two, I added a few braids to look more badass. Wade always wore a mask to hide his face, I just wore mine to match, but now that the Avengers knew my face, I figured looking cool while killing people couldn't hurt. I pulled my suit up to my hips, tied up the rest around my waist and wrestled a tee shirt over my damp hair.

Moments later I heard a small knock at the door, Natasha pushed it open looking unbothered and reached across me to grab something out of a drawer in front of me.

"Sorry I left my hairbrush in here" and without another word, she was gone. I didn't even have time to make a remark.

"Was it something I said?" I mumbled. Making my way out of the bathroom, I grabbed my katanas from the dresser and checked all my holsters before heading downstairs. Before I rounded the corner I could make out the sounds of the tired Avengers dodging each other while making breakfast. 

"Cap, pass me the butter" Tony called, not bothering to look up from his pancakes.

"Bro I love BTS!" I yelled excitedly as I stepped off the last stair.

"Pardon?" Tony slowly looked up to glare at me with incredulous disdain. After a couple steps to build momentum, I dramatically slid into the kitchen.

"Smooth like Butter, like a crimi..." My voice faded as I took in their baffled faces, "Fine" I huffed, feigning devastation. 

Once everyone had gathered after breakfast, Tony went over the plan again while Wade and I played rock, paper, scissors. "you two, got it?" Tony asked, a clear tone if irritation in his voice.

"Yep, us and mr 'Merica gotta yoink the emo one with the metal arm" Wade replied, neither of us looking away from our hands.

"the Winter Soldier" Tony corrected

"That's what he/I said" Wade and I responded, still focused on the loop of paper we were stuck in, waiting for one of us to break the cycle.

As the Quinn jet hovers over downtown, Wade and I strap on our katanas and he pulls his hood on, winking before it shrouded his face completely. Cap jumped out first, Wade swan-dove after him, striking a sexy pose mid-air, just before leaping out myself, I nut-tapped Bruce, hearing a roar behind me as I sprinted out into the void, cackling after hearing Natasha yell something about the sun. Wade and I made no effort to break our fall, rather deciding to go with the comic relief of leaving human-shaped craters in the road.

"I guess that is why we pay taxes" Cap muttered to himself after looking at the unnecessary damage.

"You pay taxes?" I yell over the sound of cars frantically swerving to avoid us. Cap gave me an appalled look, but before he could open his mouth to berate me, we heard a commotion to the north, a squadron of heavily armored vehicles were making their way towards us.

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