»🔫 After a Fight Headcannons 🔫«

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Manjiro Sano

Relationship Wise :
- Usually ends up apologizing first
- Will kinda ignore you for a while
- Apologizes by cuddles or affection period
- "Baby, you doing alright?"
- "Hey, uhm, sorry about yelling so much — still love me?"
- If you ignore him he'll poke you until you give in but it usually ends up in you lashing out at him if it gets annoying

Gang Related Business :
- Will try and assure you that he's 'fine'
- Even though he's hurting he won't show it too much
- "Hey hey, listen, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
- You bandage him up whether he wants you to or not
- You somewhat scold him for getting so hurt
- Gives you apology cuddles


Ken Ryuguji

Relationship Wise :
- Will ignore you for an extended amount of time (longest being a day and a half)
- Does apologize if he realizes he said something that probably hurt you on a deep level
- Wouldn't begin to think of even coming in contact with you during the fight, no matter how worked up he might get
- Breaks shit with Baji if he has to release anger
- After a day he forgets about it, if you wanna continue to bring it up after that then he won't care. You're arguing with yourself at that point. He's said what he has to say and you should've in the moment as well
- If you ask him about the argument then he'll speak his mind about the situation
- Apology kisses & hugs

- "Listen. If you want to continue to bring it up when it's over with then you're arguing on your own."
- "Hey; kinda noticed that what I said might've hurt you in a way I hadn't meant to, so I'm sorry."
- "It's best if you'd leave me alone for a while. I don't trust myself right now."
- kisses forehead "Love you, baby. 'M sorry about the argument."

Gang Related Business :
- Doesn't mind you patching him up
- Sometimes just wants to cuddle and forget about his wounds
- Sometimes he'd be bleeding from his head and need help treating it so he'd let you take his hair out and fix it
- After you patch him up he lowkey forgets how he got them
- You have to explain to him how he got his wounds since he forgets about them the next day

Examples :
- "Listen, I dunno what you're talking about, I feel fine."
- "Love, it's fine, I'm not bleeding that bad."
- "Ehh?? What do you mean I got stabbed—", tries standing "never mind I feel it."

Nahoya Kawata

Relationship Wise :
- Will likely try to avoid you, he hates fighting with you
- Arguments are very rare with him
- Somewhat upset that you argued
- The argument will definitely be one sided, you're the only one yelling
- He tries to explain in a simple tone instead of yelling
- Will check on you to make sure you're alright even if you might've hurt him in a way
- If you go too far he'll walk out and probably won't return for a few days
(longest being 3 days)
- Always understands where you're coming from even if you may be in the wrong
- If it's about Toman or his brother then he will get a little defensive but won't yell, he'll most likely sharpen his tone and the way he speaks

Gang Related Business :

- Will come back with red knuckles
- He smells like the metallic scent of blood
- Doesn't mind you patching him up
- The most damage he has would be a broken nose, bone, (not fatal), or a few cuts
- Will fight for you
- Has 0 regrets
- Sadist. Obviously.
- Is awfully curious while fighting so he does try new things every once in a while to advance his abilities to fight with different objects. 9/10 works out well

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