🦃Thanksgiving - » Takemichi «

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It was Thanksgiving day, and you and Takemichi decided to spend Thanksgiving together. While the others did invite you out for the weekend, the two of you simply decided to spend the holiday itself with one another.

From sitting together on the couch and watching movies, to taking small naps throughout the day or talking walks throughout the park. Takemichi wanted to do it all.

He was a fool for the romance part of a relationship. Especially on holidays. He wants everything perfect, though, it doesn't always go that way.

"Takemichi!" you sighed.

You laughed at your boyfriend as he struggled to figure out how to work the stove. It wasn't like he didn't know how to cook, but he's never tried cooking turkey.

"It's hard!" He whined. Standing, you guided him through the steps of prepping it, seasoning and putting it in the oven at the right degrees.

"Yeah..to you." You sighed. You watched him stand in a corner, face turning pink out of embarrassment. You chuckled. "It's okay, love."

He only turned away from you once you said that. It was adorable, almost as if he was a child.

"How long until it finishes?" He asked timidly.

"Around 30 minutes to an hour. Why?"

He then said something about wondering if you could do something, though you couldn't hear him too well. He was speaking a little low.

"What was that? Speak up a bit so I can hear you, love." You said comfortingly.

"Just wondering if we could find something to watch while it cooked..." he said, still a bit low, but you could hear most of it and put two and two together.

You smiled at the kind gesture. "Of course. Did you have anything in mind?"

"Maybe one of the classics since Christmas is coming up and all. Something with a good amount of nostalgia." He said trying to describe a movie for the two of you to watch.

Nodding, you led him to the livingroom with you and began searching for nice movies to watch.

"I love you.." you heard Takemichi say sweetly.

"I love you too."

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