💕Valentine's Day - Seishu Inui

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Coming home after a very long day with Inui, you spin and twirl with bags in your hand, setting them down on the table.

It was Valentine's Day, and naturally he'd spoil you with all he can and you'd do the same. You left with him at 11:00 in the morning so you could go out for breakfast, and it was now 3 in the afternoon when you were returning home.

You were able to guess that Inui was a bit tired after such a long day, not that he minded it. He loved watching as you spinner around and took the things you'd brought together out of their bags and placing everything where you originally planned.

He loved watching as you ate the small dumplings the two of you got while at the mall from the food court. He adored you in many ways others would find weird. Though, Inui being Inui, he could give less of a fuck.

Watching as you put the last bag away, setting up the small origami item on the bookshelf that was beside the tv and sitting on the couch, he decided to join you.

He comes to sit beside you on the couch. "What do you want to do now?" He asks, hand running through his fluffy hair. You shrug, climbing onto his lap. "Just wanna be close to you."

He hums, "You've been close to me all day. You not tired or nothin'?" You giggle and kiss his forehead. "I know I've been close to you all day. And genuinely, I'd like to take a nap." You said, a yawn making its way from your lips.

He smiles at you, "Come then, let's get you cleaned up and take a nap." He said, to your surprise, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom the two of you shared. You smiled when you saw the cat the two of you have on his bed, asleep.

Inui carried you to the bathroom and set you on the counter, began running hot water and grabbed a rag to wash your face.

"Inui," you said, looking at him. You grabbed a comb and moved him closer to you while you combed his hair a bit. You smiled to yourself as you watched him close his eyes. "I know you like it when i comb your hair," you chirped.

You laughed as his eyes flew open and his ears turned red. "Whatever," he sighed, "Just come here so I can wipe your face."

You let him grab your face softly as he began to wipe it, taking the clips out your hair and making it just a bit better. He always seemed to be the best with dealing with your hair, being able to put it in styles that made it much easier to handle.

Once he finished, he helped you down and followed you back into your room. Handing you a hoodie and shorts and getting his own clothes out the two of you changed.

Laying down next to you, he pulled you closer to him. You smiled and laid your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat slowly get faster.

"Everything okay, Inui?" You asked, looking up at the blonde boy. You saw a small blush on his nose and his ears completely red. "Mhm," he said hesitantly, wrapping his arm around you.

You smiled, "You're so easy to fluster — I haven't even done anything." He huffed, "That doesn't mean anything, you're so fucking pretty it's hard."

"You'll be fine, Inui," you assured him, looking at him to kiss him. He was a bit hesitant at first, though he slowly began matching your rhythm.

As you pulled away you put his bottom lip, "Such a pretty boy." You teased. He looked away from you, "Just lay down so we can take a nap, all this unnecessary teasing." He pouted. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder, eyes closing slowly.

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