Chapter 6

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Friday, August 31, 2018

2:15 P.M.


"Ryan, this is cute!" Whitney said as she held the dress up to me.

"Ehhhh, I think I like the black lace dress better." I said as I grabbed the dress that I previously picked up off the rack.

Whitney decided to take me dress shopping for Chance's funeral. My dad didn't think it was a good idea for me to go with him for the funeral planning. Marcus had to work, so my dad knew I couldn't be home alone. He was afraid I would do something to myself. I reassured him I wouldn't do anything crazy, but I see he didn't want to take any chances since Whitney came over.

"Ok, I like that one, too. Hey, where's your mom? I didn't see her nice car in the driveway."

"That's the thing. We haven't seen her in four days. We thought she went to go visit my grandparents, but they said she hasn't been there."

"Really? I know she's got to be taken it hard."

"She's been acting really strange. She didn't act this way when her grandmother passed. I don't know. She usually doesn't act this way when she's grieving."

"I mean, no one expects to bury their child." Whitney said looking down.

"Whitney, is it weird that all I think about is the last time I saw my brother? He looked so peaceful. I can't get the image of him laying in my lap dying and seeing him dead in that hospital bed. My folks said I fainted before I could even get close to him. I don't remember, but once I got better....I kissed his forehead. I talked to him and told him that I loved him over and over." I said as a tear fell down my face.

"Ry, baby, I'm so sorry. I really am." Whitney said as she hugged me.

"I just want to hear his voice one more time, Whitney. I can't believe it's really been a week that I haven't heard his voice." I said as I laid on her shoulder and wiped my eyes.

"Hey, after we buy that dress, let's go out to eat! Everything is on me."

"Nah, it's too much trouble. I know I'm annoying you. I probably ruined your day."

"Ry, you didn't do anything, but brighten it even more. Besides, we haven't hung out like this since high school. Let's go. You know Peacock is still open in the mall!"

"Oh my goodness, you know they have the best cheeseburgers. I would definitely go!" I said smiling.

Whitney, Torin, and I along with other friends used to go to Peacock all the time after school. It was the spot to be at if you went to Eastside High.

"Bet. I'll wait for you by Cinnabon."

"Ok." I said as I carried the dress to the register.

The line was a little bit long, but I didn't mind waiting. I wasn't in a rush to do anything, anyway.

It took almost ten minutes before it was my turn.

"Welcome to Your Highness, did you find—Ryan?"

Now, I wish I was in a rush.

"Bianca? What are you doing here?"

"I work here. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at ya lil fancy school."

I rolled my eyes. Bianca is my cousin through my dad. She's Auntie Mary's daughter and Marcus and Kel's baby sister. Bianca is ignorant and jealous because my dad has a good life while they live in some BET movie.

"Bianca, we went to the same college. It's not the world's fault you got pregnant our freshman year and dropped out. How is the baby?"

"Don't worry about my daughter. She's good. How's your boyfriend? He still looking good?" She asked smirking as she snatched my dress from me.

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