chapter 1 (editing)

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(WELCOME XD I had the part ready and wattpad erased it -.- damn it)

Mitch's POV

  I was behind the bleachers watching the football team practice. My tangled hair was getting in the way of my black framed glasses. I didn't really need them, but I enjoyed wearing as I weird fashion statement. I know I sound slightly like a hipster.What was I doing behind the bleachers? Well, I was going to photograph the players. Well. . . more like a very specific one.I was here to see Jerome Acceti, the all mighty team captain. I watched him run his fingers through his brown hair. Sweat ran down his face and his hand reached to wipe. He always seemed to take my breath away it was quiet shocking how many near asthma-like attacks I've had because of him. I took out my camera from my brown bag. Yes, I was using a polaroid. Don't judge me! Ever since I was little I loved photography. I aimed the lens at my target. I waited patiently for just the right moment before. . .


I snapped a picture. I shook it a bit waiting about ten seconds before the picture developed. The image appeared like magic!

A perfect picture of Jerome his smile captured perfectly forever on to film. These are moment no one can ever have again. I liked to keep memories. I held the picture close to my chest and sighed with content. I doze off into dream ville. Imagining what it would be like to date such a beauty.

"ALRIGHT TAKE IT ON IN!" Of course these moments get snatched away by some unseen karma. I heard coach Jackson yell in his usual douchebag tone. That was my que to bolt the fuck out of there before I get my gay ass beat. I quickly put my camera into my bag, along with a book I had been reading. I glanced up seeing the football teaming coming my way. I cursed under my breath before throwing the bag onto my shoulder and ducking into the locker room. I flew out of the smelly room and into the hallway. It was afterschool so no one was here,except maybe a janitor or two. They honestly don't care as long as you don't bother them with a mess. I walked through the halls with my bag and without my picture.

I never noticed I left it on the feild. 

I kicked the front doors open and walked to the practically empty parking lot. The sun beamed down on me, which was weird considering it was Autumn. I made my way to the tree where my favorite,and only, friend Ty would hang out waiting for me. I sat by his side as he put his art supplies into his black backpack with a big smile. He always would wait the two hours for me which was quiet a lifesaver considering I don't have a car. Ty says the slience helps him get inspiration for his art,but I think he stays to make fun of me .

"Are you done stalking your future husband? Or are we also following him home?" He had a sly smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Shut up" I mumbled. Ty with his super human hearing heard my mumbles. He chuckled,slipping his backpack on. Both of us walked to his car while having a light conversation about a test. I left my purse bag in the back and got into the passenger seat. The seats had leather covers. I buckled my seat belt as Ty started the engine and going into reverse.

We drove in silence until Ty had turned on the radio. 'Take me to church' came on and I hummed the tune. "Only heaven Mitch will be send to will be when Jerome askasks him out" I glared at him and lightly punched his shoulder. He pouted, both of us laughing. He pulled into my drive way and kissed my cheek. We always kissed each others on the cheek as a goodbye ever since kids. In a way it proves our friendship is strong. I kissed his saying goodbye after getting my purse bag and walking to my door.

I grabbed my keys and put it into the lock turning it then opening the door. On the floor was my drunk passed out mother. I sighed hanging my hoodie on the rack after closing the front door. I dropped my purse bag by the stairs and carried her up to her room tucking her in. I closed the door gently and heard footsteps heavier than my sister. I turned to see my father with a unpleased worried face.

My mother had been a alcoholic for years and it got worse when I came out of the closet. My father was okay with it but was worried I would get beat up at school. Yet,I'm not even know at school. He handed me my purse bag and smiled ruffling and worsening my hair I laughed and headed to my room leaving my purse bag on the bed. I walked down the stairs sighing and picking up the alcohol bottles. The room smelled awful and I opened the window letting some clean fresh air let into the room.

I continued to clean the room as my father cooked some food.

I wish he would notice me
DEAR FUCKING LORD WATTPAD WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING GLITCHY the first one was so descriptive -.- I'm pissed sorry

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