Out of Danger

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Arthur was dragged to the police station and was locked up! He felt he was wronged by being locked up!
He was so angry he started banging the bars of his cell! The police were so annoyed they shifted him to the darkroom and locked him up!


They took little Reggie to the ICU. His head was bleeding heavily. Since he was a kid, his body was fragile and sensitive. So, it was hard for him to withstand that blow. The doctors tried to stop the blood flow from his head. Then pumped some blood to him. And did some remaining procedures. After nearly four hours, they came out. Because Reggie was a kid, they cannot use regular treatment for him.
Even after the surgery, Reggie's situation was unknown. The doctors felt pity for Reggie. They felt pity for the kid! He was so young, but he had to go through this and his condition was uncertain.

But something happened. A chopper landed on the top of the building. A bunch of doctors wearing white coats landed from it, along with a bunch of guards wearing black! The doctors immediately went to Reggie's room and started operating. After three hours they came out.

Even the hospital director was waiting outside of the ward.

He heard that the most famous doctor Arnold Calista has arrived to do a surgery. From the insider information, Dr. Arnold Calista stopped doing surgeries after becoming a personal doctor to one family in Vyaghranakha! Now his arrival only meant the kid was important! He has to meet Dr. Arnold at least once in his life. Meeting such an omnipotent doctor is a blessing to him!
When the other doctors came to know that Dr. Arnold was here, they were excited. And it only means they can save the kid. There was no need for them to worry about the kid.

After three hours of operation, Dr. Arnold came out of the surgery room
He removed his gloves and mask as he gave instructions to his subordinates.

"Monitor him for every one hour. If there were any complications, let me know. The kid should be able to fly in another six hours. So he should be able to do well! If anything arises, we can give treatment to him in our place!"

"Yes! Doctor!" His subordinates replied.

Dr. Arnold Calista saw the doctors on the floor. He went forward and greeted them.

"Thanks for coming, Dr. Arnold!" The director said.

Dr. Arnold Calista was Thirty years old young doctor who made history in the medical field. To many people, he was a god in the medical industry. So, meeting him was a fortune to them. But three years ago, he stopped doing surgeries and became a personal doctor to one of the families in Atlantis! And his appearance in Livonia, that too for surgery of a kid, it meant the kid was related to Atlantis! Apart from the five families in Atlantis, no one knew about the existence of Atlantis. Not all the members of the five families know about the existence of Vyaghra Naka.
After chatting for a few minutes, Dr. Arnold left them on their own. He called someone and reported the situation.

Reporters camped outside the hospital. They wanted to know the situation of the kid. The hospital guards tried to send them away, but they couldn't. Finally, the hospital management gave them an answer. "The kid was out of danger. Not because of us, Dr. Arnold came here at the request of a royal family. We don't know who they were. But he was out of danger. He needs time to recuperate,"

This statement calmed down the reporters. After they released the statement, few reporters left!
But the situations outside were much calmer than before.


Benjamin, who got the news about the murder attempt of Reggie, was stunned. Stunned was an understatement. They were shocked, scared, and worried. They got to know that he was arrested. So, they went to the police station and filed two cases on him on the behalf of Esther. One was an attempt of rape and the other was an attempt of murder! With these cases and with the influence of Benjamin's, it was hard for Arthur to come out.

And along with this, another case which was filed on him was hurting the civil servant! It was also an attempt to murder. The whisky he threw directly hit the police head. And was only a few inches above his eye. It was his luck that nothing happened to his eye. Also, if the bottle flew a few inches above, his head would have injured badly.


Elena was waiting for her son to come out and get her out of the station. But little did she not know that even her son was locked! And her husband doesn't have any plans on saving her. She has to rot in jail for two years just like that.

Author's Note:

What do you think will happen next?
Hehe! Something big gonna happen to Garcia's! Guess it correctly, I will give an extra chap!


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