Reggie is triggered

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"I want to eat with momma!" little Reggie's voice can be heard. 

"Reggie! First thing, stop calling her mother. If you call her mother, you will tarnish her name. And the second thing was, everyone would think there was something between her and me. Third, we were not eating with them. We shouldn't disturb their meals. Fourthly, you were no longer connected to her. You. Are. My. Son! Fifthly, we were going to eat, but not with them. From next time, don't call that Miss a mom," Cyrus said strictly to Reggie. 

Esther shocked to hear those words. But… he was right. She was no longer connected to Reggie. Now, she was just a stranger to Reggie. She felt a pain in her heart, his words were like painful needles in her heart. Since she was an adult, she could handle her emotions, but what about the kid? Can he handle the news like this?


Reggie burst into tears as soon as he heard his father's words. 

"I want momma! I want momma!" Reggie cried as he held Esther's skirt tightly. Esther felt bad when she saw him crying. She wanted to say she would be his mother in this lifetime, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. 

"Reggie, you will get one when I get married to a girl?" Cyrus said seriously. He didn't want to stop that kid from crying, so he was stimulating him more, but he forgot that kid had surgery recently, and stimulating him was not good. 

He intentionally said his point clearly because he wants Esther to face the reality along with emotions. Only then she could decide. 

Esther felt like crying seeing the little kid cry. Cyrus who was waiting for her answer saw she was not in the situation of answering. He should give her time to decide, for now he would take this noisy brat away. 

At first, Little Reggie thought it was just an act, but when he heard his father's words, he panicked. He doesn't want to lose his mother. He needs to get her no matter what. When he heard Cyrus would marry a new one, he panicked and started screaming. 

"I don't want new momma. I want my momma! Marry my momma! I only want her as my momma!" Reggie replied as he cried. 

"Reggie! Don't talk nonsense! Don't you know, your mother was already married to Arthur!" Cyrus said angrily. 

Reggie who was crying heard the word, Arthur. His eyes widened in shock. Suddenly his body started trembling, his forehead covered in sweat. He looked at Cyrus and wanted to say something but he couldn't say a thing and before he could turn towards Esther; he lost his consciousness. 

"Reggie! Reggie! What happened?!" Cyrus shouted. 

"Ben! Ask Arnold Calista to fly here wherever he was! And arrange the cars to take him to the nearest hospital!" Cyrus ordered Ben as he turned to him. He carried Reggie in his arms and climbed the car. 

Esther and Henry followed them in their cars! 


Esther couldn't be any happier when she saw Reggie. But when she heard Cyrus's words, she couldn't help but agree with him. When Reggie asked Cyrus to marry her, she was shocked. But before she could come out of the shock, she heard the word Arthur; she was stunned for a second but Reggie's reaction was stronger than her he just fainted. Her heart couldn't be calmed down. She panicked! When she saw Cyrus carrying him away, she followed him without delay!

On the other side…. 

Henry, who was eating his food along with his sister, heard a scream. When he turned his head, he saw someone who shouldn't be seen. That was none other than Reggie! He panicked with his presence. He said to his sister that he was dead, but now if she sees him alive she would surely make him suffer. After the three months of her divorce, she was not her old self. She was a completely different one! She was scary and cold-hearted now. Esther shows her warm side to her family. 

But to his dismay, that little brat ran over to her and hugged her. Esther cried when she saw Henry knew his good days were going to end. He shivered when he received her icy glare. 

But again when he heard Cyrus talk about Reggie's health condition cold sweat formed on his back. When he heard Cyrus's words, Henry was a bit relieved now he could try to explain to her based on those points. He was stunned when that little kid asked Cyrus to marry Esther. He thought that's a good idea too. After all, Vritra was on a higher level than Benjamin's. They could be benefited in a business way and also in status. Not only that, Vritra would only take one wife in their lives, even if they were divorced they wouldn't remarry or wouldn't keep mistresses. 

How nice it would be if these two families were to be tied together by marriage. Vritra were known for their loyalty. But it's such a pity that they were all his dreaming. Before he could think more, the little guy fell unconscious because he got triggered by listening to the word' Arthur. 

When he saw the child's condition, he couldn't help but curse Arthur even more. Before he could react to the situation Esther started running behind them following their cars. He hurried behind her. And like a lightning, Esther reached the car, and he had to cope up with her. 

Soon they reached the hospital. They sent Reggie to the emergency room on the VVIP floor! Everyone was waiting for the doctor's report about Reggie. He was just a kid but had to face a vicious person. 

But one thing Esther was sure that since Reggie gave such a reaction just by listening to Arthur's name, he also traumatized like her. But his trauma was far better than Esther's. Because Esther couldn't even touch others. But it's just that Reggie couldn't bear to remember the thighs about Arthur. 

She felt rage towards Arthur. She went to her brother and took his phone. "Brother, dial the jailer's number!" Esther asked, shocking Henry. 

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